The City of Kalamunda profile and forecasts helps you analyse the population characteristics of your community, understand how they have changed over time and how they compare to other areas. This profile answers the majority of frequently asked socio-demographic questions and assists Council, the general public, students, community groups, organisations, business and investors to become more informed about the community.
Understand local communities
The City of Kalamunda community profile enables you to analyse the population characteristics of your community, understand how they have changed over time and how they compare to other areas. This profile answers the majority of frequently asked socio-demographic questions and assists Council, the general public, students, community groups, organisations, business and investors to become more informed about the community.
Plan for future demand
The City of Kalamunda population forecasts are designed to provide community groups, Council, investors, business, students and the general public with knowledge and information to make better informed decisions about the future. Forecasts are available for each year up until 2036.
Build strong local economies
The City of Kalamunda economic profile presents economic information that provides the City’s role within the broader economy, explore options for economic development and promote its’ strengths. The information presented in this section is derived from official sources of information - Australian Bureau of Statistics as well as Australia's leading economic modellers, NIEIR.
The answer to this question is critical to the City, in order to predict the services that we will need to deliver in the future and to focus those services in the most appropriate areas. It is also important to many businesses as it informs them about how demand for their products and services will change. Smart businesses can then position themselves to take advantage of these changes.
The profile information includes population figures, number of dwellings, the number of people in each age group and the type of households people are living in. The data is available by suburb to allow you to aggregate the numbers to any required catchment area.
Forecasts are available for each year from 2011 to 2036.
The City of Kalamunda encompasses 349km²Distance from Perth: 24 kmPopulation: 58,946 (ABS estimated resident population 2018)Number of Dwellings: 22,768GRP: $3.4 billionLargest Industry by Employment: Transport, Postal & Warehousing 2,057Employed Residents: 33,720Local Businesses: 4,436Local Jobs: 20,303
Other statistics include:
Significant changes in house and land prices over a period of time can affect the rest of the economy. An understanding then, of the local real estate market, can give an indication of the overall local economy. In general terms:
To this end, the City of Kalamunda has commenced production of a Kalamunda Housing and Land Snapshot (KHALS) which documents and analyses housing and land sales, prices, availability; rentals; industrial and commercial properties and significant developments.
The first edition of KHALS was produced in December 2018.
This information is provided in good faith for the general information of investors, proponents and the general public. The information should not be used for investment purposes and readers should carry out their own due diligence prior to making any investment decision.