The expansion of the European wasp population through South Australia and eastern Australia is a concern to all Western Australians. Fertilised wasp queens are increasingly likely to be accidentally transported into our State and establish nests. Nest numbers can grow exponentially if not detected. This initiative was developed to counteract this increased invasion risk. It promotes the involvement of local government, business, industry and members of the public to monitor for European wasps in their area during the active wasp surveillance season (December - May).
To date, more than 1000 surveillance traps have been adopted by the public, local government and industry.
When the weather is about to heat up, it's getting close to that time to hang your traps. December is the time to get your traps and fish ready for the new season!
Trapping is as simple as hanging a trap in a tree, inspecting the trap and changing the raw fish lure every fortnight (weekly is even better). We will post you a free trap, but we can't post the fish!
DPIRD have detailed instructions on how to set up, maintain and service the traps as well as on how to report European wasps suspect sightings. Please note:
Check out the DPIRD guide to setting up your trap.
SIGN UP NOW to receive a trap and join the DPIRD surveillance efforts. Even if you don't have a trap, you can contribute to surveillance considerably by looking for suspicious wasp activity. Look at insects visiting your taps, bird bath or garden, and have a close look at those being scooped up in the pool! It's amazing how many confirmed reports we've received by people doing these every day activities.