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Local Planning Scheme No. 3

The Local Planning Scheme sets out the desired planning outcomes and intentions for the City.

The purpose of the scheme is to secure the amenity, health and convenience of the City, assist in the conservation of environmental, recreational and other valuable resources, to preserve natural, historic, cultural and spiritual heritage and lastly, to encourage the sustainable development of the City of Kalamunda.

What is a planning scheme?

Local planning schemes are made under Part 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2005. Schemes are created to set out city-wide objectives and different zoning methods, which sets the statutory planning provisions and the intent of land use and development. Further, the scheme is derived from the strategic vision and findings from the Local Planning Strategy.

The local planning scheme for the City of Kalamunda is referred as Local Planning Scheme No.3 (the Scheme or LPS3) and regulates how land in the City is used and developed. It is comprised of Scheme text and a Map.

The Scheme regulates a number of planning functions including:

  • Setting aside land as reserves for public purposes;
  • Zoning land within the Scheme Area for the purposes defined in the Scheme;
  • Controlling and guiding land use and development;
  • Setting out procedures for the assessment and determination of planning applications;
  • Making provisions for the administration and enforcement of the Scheme, and;
  • Addressing other matters set out in the Schedule 7 of the Planning and Development Act 2005.
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