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Bins & Collections

A reminder about the placement of your bins - it is expected that an owner or occupier of premises shall:

  1. at all times keep the lid of the waste receptacle closed except when depositing rubbish or refuse or cleaning of the receptacle
  2. except for a reasonable period before and after collection time, keep the waste receptacle on the premises and located inside the property boundary and not visible from the street or public place; or
  3. in such other position as is approved by the Manager Waste Services.
  4. place the waste receptacle within 1 metre of the edge of the carriageway adjacent to the premises, but so that it does not obstruct a footpath cycleway or other carriageways for servicing.
When do my Bins get collected?
Missed Bin Service
Damaged Bins
Stolen Bins
New Services / Cancelled Services / Additional Services
Collection of Mattresses or Whitegoods
Where does my waste go?
Tactile symbols for our bins

Bin Disposal Guide

Red Lid General Waste Bin Disposal Guide

Tips to reduce your general waste:

  • Avoid purchasing items that are not recyclable.
  • Some products, including nappies and other hygiene products can't be recycled or turned into high quality compost and must still be placed in your red (general waste) bin.
  • Some Tetrapak items (such as juice boxes) have the 10c symbol - rather than putting them in general waste, they can go to Containers for Change. Make sure you take the little straw out! All other Tetrapaks eg. long-life milk have to go in general waste (take the lid off so they can be compacted to take up less space).
  • Take certain items that can be hazardous to a drop-off point. Recycling hubs that collect printer cartridges, mobile phones, batteries and light globes are situated throughout the City. For more information see our Hazardous Waste page.
  • Can items be taken to a charity shop, repaired or repurposed so they avoid going in landfill?
  • Remember, it is an offence to put household or commercial rubbish in public place bins or to dump waste (this is littering). Make sure your bin lids are closed to avoid litter escaping into our beautiful environment.


Yellow Lid Recycling Bin Disposal Guide

Tips with your recycling bin:

  • Check it before you chuck it - make sure you read the recycling label (not the plastics type) see the Planet Ark ARL website for more information.
  • Rinse pet food tins, yoghurt tubs and other packaging that contains remnants of food waste before placing it into the bin. Lids must be removed and loose in the bin (not in bags).
  • Lids smaller than the palm of an adults' hand go in the general waste and larger than that go in recycling. However, if you're visiting Containers for Change - you can take the lids there (in a separate container) or to the Walliston Transfer Station.*
  • Food and liquids can't go in the recycling bin - it ruins the recycling process.
  • If your recycling bin is full, you can take household quantities of recyclables to Walliston Transfer Station*. 
  • Another option is to take your eligible drink containers to Containers for Change for a refund of 10 cents each or you can organise a Containers for Change bin at your house.
  • Items such as hoses and other non-recyclable plastics such as soft plastics, Christmas trees, old toys etc can't be placed in the recycling bin.
  • Shredded paper can't go in the recycling bin - however it can go in FOGO!

* To enter Walliston Transfer Station to take your recyclable items for free, ID and Entry Pass are still required.

Green Lid FOGO Bin Disposal Guide

Tips with your FOGO bin:

  • Plastic is a no-go in FOGO! Remember, if it didn't live or grow, it's not FOGO.
  • Make the most of your FOGO bin. Use it for all food scraps, garden prunings, weeds, honkey nuts, used tissues and paper towel, food soiled cardboard (like pizza boxes), shredded paper and pet poo.
  • Newspaper needs to go in the recycling bin.
  • Instead of putting food waste in landfill (red general waste bin), this can go into organics (green) bins to be turned into high quality compost.
  • Some items that claim they are compostable (such as coffee cups) may not be able to go in FOGO due to a plastic lining. Make sure you check for the Compostable logo (Australian Standard AS 4736).


Location of receptacles (bins)

When placing bins, owner or occupiers of the premises should:

  • Ensure the lid of the bin is able to remain shut (ie. the bin is not overflowing).
  • Place the receptacle within one (1) metre of the edge of the carriageway adjacent to the premises, but so that it does not obstruct a foot path cycleway or other carriageways. 
  • Place bins at least 0.5m apart from each other.
  • Bins need to be kept clear of overhead powerlines and obstructions such as trees, cars and poles.
  • Only place the bin receptacle on the kerb for a reasonable period before and after collection time.
  • Ensure the bin receptacle is located on the owner/occupier’s premises and not visible from a street or public place.
  • Place wheels nearest to the house.
  • Keep the weight of the bin under 70kg.

Figure 1. Placing your bin correctly.

© City of Kalamunda 2025