Each local government is a corporate body. It is therefore a legal entity with all legal power to do things for the local community it services. It can sue and be sued. Local Government includes a Council consisting of Elected Members, and the Administration
that includes the CEO and employees.
The Mayor and Councillors form the Council, and the following principles apply:
- Elected Members are able to exercise authority as the Council after they are formally sworn in and when they meet formally as the Council.
- All lawful decisions are made at Council meetings or through delegations (to CEO or Council committees) that are formally made by the Council.
The CEO is the only employee appointed by the Council. Employees are formally accountable to the Council through the CEO, whose role is detailed in Section 5.41 of the Local Government Act 1995, and includes, but is not limited to:
- Advising the Council.
- Implementing the Council’s decisions.
- Managing the services that the local government provides for its community.
- Being responsible for the day to day operations of the local government.