Legislation in Western Australia requires the owner or occupier of a property with a private swimming or spa pool to install barriers around the structure. This is for the protection of young children who may enter the area with or without the knowledge or consent of the owner/occupier. Owners or occupiers are required to maintain the barrier in such a condition that it is in working order at all times.
If the structure contains water to a depth greater than 300mm and is used primarily for swimming, wading, bathing or similar activities, then the structure is required to have a barrier installed which complies with the Australian Standard 1926.1 Swimming Pool Safety.
Not included in this definition are fishponds, dams (unless used as swimming holes), creeks, rivers and lakes. All swimming pools require a Building Permit and are registered on the City’s Swimming Pool Register.
The City’s pool inspections are scheduled on a rotational programme. Pool inspections are carried out every four years, or as required. All swimming pools are required to have a barrier compliant to Australian Standard AS1926.1, which should be erected prior to the swimming pool being filled with water.
Contact Approval Services on (08) 9257 9860 during office hours to arrange a visit or to speak to a Compliance Officer.
If you are thinking of removing your pool, there are a number of steps to take:
* View best practice notes developed by WALGA
Swimming pool barriers and fences are not the only pool safety issues that you need to consider. Education and supervision are also very important aspects in saving children’s lives. For more information on swimming pool enclosures, please visit the swimming pool barriers section on the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety website.
Thinking of installing a swimming pool or spa?
Decommissioning / Removal of a pool