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Animals & Livestock

The City of Kalamunda prides itself on maintaining a village atmosphere, and this includes allowing the keeping of animals such as, poultry, sheep and other large animals. However, in order to ensure that neighbouring properties are not unduly affected by noise, odour or other potential problems, guidelines and local laws have been developed.

If you are having a problem with animals being kept on a neighbouring property, please first discuss it with your neighbour. If the problem persists please complete and return a Health Investigation Request Form


Under the City of Kalamunda  Keeping and Control of Animals and Nuisance Local Law 2011 (the Local Law), the number of poultry allowed to be kept is based on residential lot size.

  • Small Lots: less than 600m² cannot keep poultry or pigeons without approval
  • Medium Lots: between 600m² and 2000m² may keep a combined total of 6 poultry or pigeons.
  • Large lots: greater than 2000m² may keep a combined total of 20 poultry or pigeons, including 1 restricted poultry*.

* Restricted poultry include roosters, peafowl, turkeys and geese.

Residents who would like to keep more than the above numbers must apply in writing including information as detailed in clause 4.4 of the Local Law.

Residents must ensure that poultry are kept in a manner so as not to cause a nuisance. Where complaints regarding odour, flies or noise are received, the complaint will be investigated to ensure that any nuisance that exists is abated.

Download application for License to Keep Poultry/Restricted Poultry

More information

Refer to the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (Agriculture and Food) for more details on Keeping Chickens in the Backyard:
Download the Keeping backyard chickens safely information sheet produced by Department of Health

Large Animals

Under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No.3, planning approval is required for the keeping of hoofed and/or large non-domesticated animals or pets in ALL areas of the City of Kalamunda.

A large animal includes a horse, cow, pig, sheep, goat, camel, deer, alpaca and llama. If you wish to keep any of these animals as large or miniature breeds on your property you must submit a Development Application Form for approval.

NOTE: If you are the owner of livestock you are required to have a registered Property Identification Code (PIC) and required to register the movement of livestock through the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, for further information please visit DPIRD.


Guidelines for keeping large animals

  • “Large animal” means a horse, cow, pig, sheep, goat, camel, deer, alpaca or llama.
  • “Cow” includes an ox, calf or bull.
  • “Horse” includes an ass, mule, donkey or pony.

An owner or occupier of premises shall not keep a large animal on any land under the scheme unless planning approval is granted.

More intensive animal establishments are restricted to Light Industry, General Industry, Rural Composite, and Rural Agriculture zones.

“Animal Establishment” means premises used for the breeding, boarding, and training or caring of animals for commercial purposes but does not include animal husbandry – intensive or veterinary centre.

Intensive Animal Husbandry is prohibited within the City of Kalamunda.

“Animal Husbandry – Intensive” means premises used for keeping, rearing or fattening of pigs, poultry (for either egg of meat production), rabbits (for either meat or fur production) and other livestock in feed lots.

Planning application

Assessment of your application will consider the land capability of the property including an assessment of the management techniques you propose, the amount and condition of remnant vegetation on the property, implications for water catchment areas and watercourses and implications on neighbouring properties.

The land capability of the property, and therefore the permitted stocking rate, is the number of animals that can be consistently kept on a piece of pasture all year round with minor additional feed and without causing environmental degradation and is based on the soil type.

Overstocking properties can cause significant environmental damage through soil erosion, vegetation damage and contaminants leeching from animal’s wastes. The standard stocking rates are derived from the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development ‘Stocking Rate Guidelines for rural small holdings’. Environmental Services is able to provide the recommended stocking rate for a specific property.

Stocking rates may be increased if it can be demonstrated that management practices used will cause less environmental impact on water quality and land condition. Should you apply to have animals in excess of the recommended stocking rate your application will be referred to, and discussed with the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

The City of Kalamunda will not approve your application until the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation gives their support. Similarly, if the property is located in a Public Drinking Water Source Area or other Environmentally Sensitive Area the application will be referred to the department for their support.

Property management plan

In submitting your planning application you are required to provide a Property Management Plan. Essential information to be included in a Property Management Plan:

  1. A brief description of the project, including land area and the maximum number and type of animals on site at any time
  2. A plan of the property on which the animals are to be located, showing boundaries, the location of existing facilities and proposed improvements, including treatment and disposal facilities
  3. A map showing any neighbouring dwellings within 200m of the proposed site, any patches of remnant vegetation, any water bores, wells, wetlands, seasonal surface water, drains or watercourses within 500 meters of the proposed site, and any areas of land to be used for waste disposal. If you require an Arial photograph of the property please contact the City of Kalamunda
    Note: Under the Environmental Protection Act (EP Act) 1986 Section 51c, the clearing of endemic vegetation is prohibited unless a clearing permit has been granted by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, or is of a kind that is exempt in accordance with Schedule 6 of the EPA 1986 or Regulation 5 of the Environmental Protection (Clearing of Native Vegetation) Regulations 2004. Further information should be obtained from the department.
  4. Details of waste (including manure) quantities produced, the method of treatment, recycling, disposal or ultimate use
  5. Details of planned environmental management practices for the site
  6. Details of on-site drainage, waste and stormwater handling facilities

Note: Stormwater is not permitted to be allowed to enter a reserve or neighbouring property.

Note:  All livestock is required to be registered with your own PIC ( property identification code) for further information, please visit  DPIRD - Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development 


Residents may keep up to two hives on their property with the City's approval provided they are at least five (5) metres from the boundary. Bee Keepers must also be registered with the Department of  Primary Industries and Regional Development. Bees must be kept in a manner that minimises their impact on neighbouring properties and must be kept in accordance with the following conditions:

  • No more than two bee hives may be kept on land less than 2000 square metres (m2).
  • No more than 15 hives may be kept on land 2000m2 or greater.
  • An adequate and permanent supply of water must be provided in a shaded area nearby so as to not cause a nuisance to neighbours.
  • The boundary adjacent to the hives must be screened to prevent the bees flying low over a thoroughfare, public place or adjoining land.
  • Each bee hive must be at least five (5) metres from the boundary of the lot unless written approval has been obtained for a lesser distance.
  • Sound hive management principals must be followed.
  • The bee keeper must hold a current Certificate of Registration from Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
  • The bees must not cause a nuisance to any other person.

Bees may not be kept in public place, a thoroughfare or public reserve. Where complaints regarding bee keeping are received, the complaint will be investigated to ensure that any nuisance that exists is abated.

Application to Keep Bees (fees payable)

© City of Kalamunda 2025