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Procurement and Tenders

Tendering is the process of making an offer, bid or proposal, or expressing an interest in response to an invitation to tender.

This process can also be known as a Request for Tender (RFT), a Request for Proposal (RFP), an Expression of Interest (EOI) or a formal Request for Quote (RFQ).

Supplier update: invoice requirements

To ensure prompt processing and payment of your invoices, we ask that our suppliers email all invoices to and ensure invoice comply with our invoice requirements.

The City of Kalamunda use an online procurement portal for all tendering requests.  Organisations are advised that the City no longer accept any other forms of submission except through procurement portal, TenderLink.

Tenders & EQuote Registers

Information listed in the documents below is for viewing only. These register documents should not be printed, copied or distributed without City authorisation and approval.


Contractors working with the City of Kalamunda should ensure they are familiar with the following information contained in documents below.

Tender Schedule

eQuote 2025-01 Hatch Court Light Industrial Area & Stirling Crescent Precinct – Local Structure Plan, Developer Contribution Plan & Design Guidelines
RFT 2501 - Provision of Parks Maintenance Services
Advertised from: 12 March 2025 | Closes: 2 April 2025, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda is seeking the services of a dedicated Public Open Space (POS) Maintenance Contractor, to provide Parks Maintenance services to selected Public Open Space (POS) locations within the City of Kalamunda. Generally, the POS is in the Wattle Grove, High Wycombe, and Forrestfield areas.

The contract also requires different mowing services. The garden maintenance is of a routine nature, not intricate or highly technical.

Irrigation maintenance is not included in this contract.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2502 - Construction of Road 2A (Stage 2) EAW High Wycombe
Advertised from: 5 March 2025 | Closes: 2 April 2025, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda is looking for an experienced contractor to conduct minor civil work and undertake drainage work upgrades to suit the Emergency Access Way (EAW) located at the accessway between Nardine Close and Sultana Road West High Wycombe.

The contractor is responsible for the coordination between authority stakeholders. Including but not limited to: Water Corporation, ATCO, Main Roads, Western Power, NBN, and Telstra.

All Pavement construction is to be in accordance with specification 501 Pavements Main roads Western Australia.  

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2428 - High Wycombe Community Hub–Construction Superintendent Services
Advertised from: 15 January 2025 | Closes: 19 February 2025, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (the City) will be undertaking a $60m+ development of a High Wycombe Community Hub (Project) facility adjacent to High Wycombe Train Station encompassing aquatic and gymnasium facilities, indoor sports courts, community spaces, public open space, carparking and possible commercial developments allied to the function of the Hub to serve community needs.

The City has appointed a lead Architect who will engage all necessary sub consultants to develop the design for the Project (Design Team). In parallel the City has appointed other specialists including:

  • Quantity Surveyor
  • Commercial Opportunities advisor
  • Project Risk and Time Planning services

The City is now seeking to round out the suite of specialists seeking a Consultant to act as Construction Contract Superintendent to provide support to the City, its Design Team and Construction Contractors in the development of High Wycombe Community Hub Project (Project).

The Projects is intended to be delivered via two main works contracts:

  • Civils contractor to undertake the forward works package (primarily site preparation and services) ; then
  • Building contractor to undertake construction of the Buildings and Facilities.

It is expected that the Forward Works package will be tendered and awarded between May and July 2025 and completed by November 2025.

It is expected that the Main Works package tendered and awarded between July and November 2025 and anticipated that the main works will achieve practical completion by September 2027.

The City is seeking to appoint a specialist Consultant to act as Superintendent within the requirements of the Construction contracts (based on AS4000) during the construction works and defects liability periods.

Advertised through Tenderlink  

RFT 2434 - Hartfield Park Sporting Facilities
Advertised from: 21 December 2024 | Closes: 5 February 2025, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (the City) is inviting suitably experienced Building Contractors to provide tenders for the construction of the new Sporting Pavilions and Associated works at Hartfield Park, Forrestfield WA.

These works form part of a multimillion-dollar investment by the City and its funding partners in providing new and improved sporting and community facilities within Hartfield Park.

Three discrete packages of work exist, each with their own specific requirements for staging and delivery. They are:

Project 9857 – New AFL & Little Athletics Pavilion

  • New pavilion of 1,000 m2 incorporating social room, kitchen, bar, change rooms and stores
  • Demolition of existing AFL pavilion
  • Development of new car parking over demolished pavilion site

 Project 9590 – Colocation of Tennis and Bowls

  • New Tennis Pavilion of ~ 400 m2 incorporating social room, store and kitchen
  • Two new Show Court Tennis Courts with floodlighting
  • Expansion of existing Bowls pavilion with new offices, store and kitchen
  • Provision of common user change rooms

 Project 9591 – Rugby League Pavilion

  • New change rooms, store and referees facilities
  • Refurbishment of existing Pavilion

Each project is being funded separately through combinations of Commonwealth, State, City and User Group grants and funds. Each project has very specific deadlines to achieve practical completion and occupancy in line with the most onerous specific grant.

The City therefore will be seeking experienced Building Contractors who not only can successfully manage three concurrent works areas but also have demonstrated track record of completing works to scope and time for the agreed contract sum.

Advertised through Tenderlink   

RFT 2433 - Provision for General Cleaning Services
Advertised from: 27 November 2024 | Closes: 15 January 2025, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage a suitable Contractor or Contractors for the Provision of General Cleaning Services throughout City owned and operated facilities and assets as identified in attachment RFT 2433 Building Schedules and BBQ Locations. 

The successful Tenderer(s) will be expected to supply all equipment and consumables required to service this Request as identified in pricing schedules and site-specific requirements attached to this Request.  

This contract is in force for a period 3 years with 2 x 12-month optional extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor via an agreed set of measurable KPIs and at the sole discretion of the Principal. 

Work under this contract will be in a structured arrangement consisting of one or more Contractor(s) where one Contractor might be selected to provide services to one or both areas. In the instance where two Contractors are selected each area will have a separate Contractor. When the designated area Contractor is not available to carry out the requested work the other Contractor in this contract maybe offered the work but does not guarantee or take priority for the work and the principal may source a contractor outside this contract. 

Advertised through Tenderlink   

RFT 2419 - Modular Change Rooms and Store: Design Development and Construction
Advertised from: 27 November 2024 | Closes: 22 January 2025, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (the City) is inviting suitably experienced Building Contractors to provide tenders for the construction of a modular type set of change rooms and storage buildings for the Forrestfield United Football Club to be located at Hartfield Park, Forrestfield WA.

This new facility forms part of a multimillion-dollar investment by the City and its funding partners in providing new and improved sporting and community facilities within Hartfield Park.

The City’s design team has taken the buildings to a Preliminary Design stage. The Contractor will use the Preliminary Design as a basis for completion of design. The Contractor will then undertake seeking Building Permit and the construction of the buildings.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2431 - Provision of General Electrical Services and Irrigation Electrical Maintenance Services
Advertised from: 13 November 2024 | Closes: 11 December 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage suitable Contractor(s) for the Provision for General Electrical Services and Irrigation Electrical Maintenance services to the City.

The Contractor(s) is responsible for supplying equipment and services, and to complete the scheduled works.

This contract is in force for a period of three (3) years from the date of award with optional two (2) 12-month extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

The scope of work is based on Separable Portions with each forming individual/separable portions of work.  Contractor(s) may provide submissions for a single, or multiple portions of the contract and the City will, at its sole discretion, award these portions individually or collectively.  There are two (2) separable portions of work, as detailed below.

Tenderers may make submission(s) for one or both of the following services:

  • Separable Portion A – General Electrical Services
  • Separable Portion B – Irrigation and Electrical Maintenance

Advertised through Tenderlink 

RFT 2432 - Provision of Cyber Security Solutions
Advertised from: 30 October 2024 | Closes: 27 November 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage suitable Contractors to supply cyber security services to the City.

The Contractor is responsible for supplying equipment and services and to complete the scheduled works.

This contract is in force for a period of Five (5) years from the date of award with optional two (2) year extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2430 - Provision for Playground Maintenance and Repairs Services
Advertised from: 9 October 2024 | Closes: 6 November 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage suitable Contractor to supply playground repair and maintenance services to the City. The Contractor is responsible for supplying equipment and services and to complete the scheduled works.

This contract is in force for a period of three (3) years from the date of the award with optional two (2) x 12-month extensions, subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2426 - Provision for Security Services
Advertised from: 9 October 2024 | Closes: 6 November 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage suitable Contractor for the Provision of Security Services to the City. The distribution of works under the arrangement will be in accordance with the structure outlined in this document.

The Contractor is responsible for supplying equipment and services to complete the scheduled works.

This contract is in force for a period of three (3) years from the date of award with optional two (2) 12-month extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

The scope of work is presented as a separable portion contract, based upon Separable Portions with each forming individual/separable portion of work.  Contractor(s) may provide submissions for single or multiple portions of the contract and the City will at its sole discretion award these portions individually or collectively. There are five separable portions of work, as detailed in the Separable Portions below:

A tenderer may make submission(s) for any/all of the following services listed:

Separable Portion A – Planned and Reactive Security Patrolling Services (AS 4421:2023)

Separable Portion B – Locksmith (AS4145)

Separable Portion C – Security & Intrusion Alarm Services

Separable Portion D – Electronic Access Control

Separable Portion E – CCTV Maintenance/Services

Tenderers must stipulate in their response which service/s they are registering for.

The Price Schedule will be evaluated independently and may be given to one or more tenderer(s) dependent on the price and offer.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2420 - Supply and Deliver Landscaping Materials
Advertised from: 9 October 2024 | Closes: 6 November 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage suitable Contractor to supply and deliver following Landscaping Materials:

Native garden mix

Soil conditioner

Pine bark mulch

Pine Chip (playground softfall)

Tree Mulch

This contract is in force for a period of three (3) years from the date of award with optional two (2) single year extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink
RFT 2421 - Tree Watering Services
Advertised from: 25 September 2024 | Closes: 23 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage a suitable Contractor to supply Tree Watering Services to the City. The distribution of works under the arrangement will be in accordance with the structure outlined in this tender.

The Contractor is responsible for supplying all equipment to complete the scheduled works as per specifications.

This contract is in force for a period of three (3) years from the date of award with an optional two (2), one (1) year extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink
RFT 2417 - General Tree Services
Advertised from: 25 September 2024 | Closes: 23 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (the Principal) is seeking a professional and dedicated tree pruning company, to provide general tree works including, target pruning, tree removal, chipping and stump grinding across the whole City.

The Principal is seeking to appoint a contract for a period of three years, with an option of two single year extensions, subject to satisfactory performance and at the discretion of the Principal.

Hourly rates are required for target pruning, chipping and the removal of green waste. Tree removals are based on the height of the tree, exclusive of stump grinding.

Rates are also required for stump grinding services, based on the size of the stump on diameter increments.

All chipping is to be completed on the day that works are to be undertaken. Log wood that cannot be chipped may be left on site for no more than 24 hours and must be moved and made safe so as not to obstruct footpaths or roads.

The Principal reserves the right to request the Contractor to retain chipped green waste and some log wood. In these specific instances, the Contractor may be required to deliver the chipped green waste or logs to nearby sites specified by the Principal. If the log is too large, the Contractor shall remove all branches from the trunk and notify the Principal who will then arrange for collection of the log.

Price schedules are made for both business hours and after-hours call outs, to carry out urgent works due to severe weather events. 

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2423 - Weed Control & Natural Area Maintenance Services
Advertised from: 18 September 2024 | Closes: 16 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage suitable Contractor to supply Weed Control & Natural Area Maintenance Services to the City. The distribution of works under the arrangement will be in accordance with the structure outlined in this document.

The Contractor is responsible for supplying equipment and services and to complete the scheduled works.

This contract is in force for a period of three (3) years from the date of award with optional two (2) year extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2422 - Powerline Vegetation Management
Advertised from: 18 September 2024 | Closes: 16 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

This request for Powerline Vegetation Management works is for pruning of cultivated trees, growing within the vicinity of overhead powerlines, including Arial Bundled Cable (ABC) and service lines to properties, for a period of 3 years with two single year options at the City’s discretion.

 The City of Kalamunda requires the services of a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor to provide street tree pruning services for annual programmed and Western Power notified power line clearance works. The intention is for cultivated trees located under, or near distribution overhead lines to be pruned once annually, although additional pruning may be required for selected trees that grow quickly, traffic sight line clearance and road clearance pruning works.

Bushfires are a risk within the City of Kalamunda. It is therefore necessary that all annual power line clearance works are to be commenced in our Western suburbs in March and completed in the more Eastern suburbs prior to 31st May each year. This period may need to be varied from year-to-year dependent on seasonal change, passive fuel reduction requirements and Department of Fire and Emergency Services fire ban dates.

The City operates a separate contract for General Tree Services, which includes works for unscheduled tree pruning, removal, chipping and stump grinding in public open space and road reserves and is outside the scope of this Tender.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2425 - Ray Owen Stadium and Carpark Expansion: Design Services
Advertised from: 11 September 2024 | Closes: 9 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (the City) is preparing for the expansion of the Ray Owen Indoor Stadium and associated car parking at Ray Owen Reserve, Lesmurdie.

The majority of funding for the project will largely be dependent upon the success of advocacy by the City to be undertaken as part of the upcoming State and Federal Election campaigns.

The City had previously undertaken some conceptual layout and cost planning for the Indoor Stadium expansion and separately conceptual layouts for carparking expansion on the Reserve. It is now necessary to bring together these concepts into a single cohesive plan for expansion.

The City is inviting Consultants to build a multi-disciplined team to provide the design & documentation services for the delivery of the facilities in a staged delivery process including all necessary architectural, engineering and specialist consulting services.

The initial engagement will take the project to schematic level design and cost planning.

Depending on the success of grant funding outcomes or subsequent decision of Council to continue funding the same design team to complete design development and construction tender documentation.

If grant funding is approved, construction tenders will then be called, and construction contractors appointed for the works. The same design team will also be required for specific services during the construction works phase and completion of defects liability period.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2427 - Provision of Internal Audit Services
Advertised from: 4 September 2024 | Closes: 2 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced organisation to manage the City’s Internal Audit and/or firms to undertake all aspects of the Principal’s internal audit for an initial period of three (3) years with an extension option of a further 2 X 12 month(s) at the sole discretion of the Principal.

Conduct internal audits as per the draft three-year strategic internal audit plan as a minimum taking into consideration any unplanned requests of an urgent nature.

This contract is not limited to the internal audit function as the Principal may require additional services from time to time. A schedule of the additional charges will be requested at the time of the request.  

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2406 - Supply of Concrete Products
Advertised from: 28 August 2024 | Closes: 25 September 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking a suitable and resourced contractor to supply and deliver various steel reinforced drainage concrete products primarily to the City’s maintenance business unit. There will be occasions that City’s other business units may also use this service. 

The requirement of this contract is the manufacture, testing, supply and delivery of precast steel reinforced rubber ring jointed concrete drainage pipes, manhole liners, bases and covers, side entry pits, grated gullies, headwalls and other miscellaneous item as listed on the price schedule.

The City may require the material to be delivered to specific sites, however deliveries predominately will be to the City’s Transfer Station located at 155 Lawnbrook Road West, Walliston. It is expected that the Contractor has the capacity and all necessary resources to supply and deliver this material within the allocate timeframe. 

This contract will be in place for a period of three (3) years from the date of award with two (2) optional 12-month extension subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor. 

Advertised through Tenderlink

Advertised from: 7 August 2024 | Closes: 11 September 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (the City) is preparing for the development of a new Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade facility to be located adjacent to George Spriggs Reserve, Pickering Brook.

The majority of funding for the project will largely be dependent upon the success of advocacy by the City to be undertaken as part of the upcoming State and Federal Election campaigns.

The City had previously undertaken some very high-level conceptual layout and cost planning for this facility.

The City is inviting Consultants to build a multi-disciplined team to provide the design & documentation services for the delivery of the facilities in a staged delivery process including all necessary architectural, engineering and specialist consulting services.

The initial engagement will take the project to schematic level design and cost planning.
Depending on the success of grant funding outcomes or the subsequent decision of Council to continue funding the same design team to complete design development and construction tender documentation.

If grant funding is approved, construction tenders will then be called, and construction contractors appointed for the works. The same design team will also be required for specific services during the construction works phase and completion of the defects liability period.

The City does not have a stated preference that the Consultant be an Architect Firm leading Engineering and other specialists or an Engineering firm leading Architects and other specialists.

Advertised through Tenderlink

More Information / Contact

If you require more information about a particular procurement opportunity, please contact the City on (08) 9257 9999 or email

For help or assistance relating to the procurement portal, please contact TenderLink customer support on 1800 233 533 or

© City of Kalamunda 2025