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Six hands holding another persons wrist forming a connected circle.

Compassion, Support & Crisis Services

Are you or someone you care about in need of help?

Remember to reach out to friends and family and contact us if you’re looking to find event or activities locally to engage with. 


Download the Crisis Support Guide for contacts and information relating to financial, food, accommodation and other hardship.

Kalamunda Compassionate Communities

Kalamunda Compassionate Communities Logo


A global movement that encourages our whole community to be involved in supporting people, their families and carers  through serious illness or at the end of life.

Do you want to connect with your Community? Are you passionate about helping people? Kalamunda Compassionate Communities connects neighbours to each other and can also provide a support network for those people in times of need, whether it be through illness, death or grief.

Creating compassionate and caring neighbourhoods who support each other to help build strong, connected and happy communities to live, play and die in.

This support can be a simple as putting out the bins, dropping of some milk, helping with a doona cover, taking their dog for a walk, reading to the dying person or listening to their story.

Want to connect to your neighbours? Download our Neighbour Connect cards Hello Neighbour Cards If you would like some printed copies please call the Community Development Officer, Inclusive Communities on 9257 9999 and we will happily provide copies for you.

Neighbourhood Watch helps neighbours look out for neighbours. Neighbourhood Watch is a good way to start conversations in your street and build safe, strong, caring, connected and happy communities. For ideas on how to connect with your neighbours visit Getting Started | Neighbourhood Watch (

Neighbours Every Day is Relationships Australia’s ongoing social connection campaign, which culminates in a national day of action, Neighbour Day, held annually on the last Sunday of March. It aims to support and enable sustainable respectful relationships across communities, while also helping to address loneliness across the nation. For ideas on how to connect with your neighbours visit Neighbours Every Day

Compassionate Communities: Heather and Tony's Story

Heather and Tony’s Story – End of Life at Home is an inspiring film about a local couple in Albany, Tony Speechley and his wife Heather Sanderson and the people who supported them through the final months of Tony’s terminal illness. The purpose of the film is to demonstrate the important role, family, friends and community play in providing end of life care. 

Giving and receiving support is an important message in the film and one of the biggest challenges people face when someone becomes ill. Often people don’t ask for support or decline support when it is offered because they don’t want to be a burden, even when the support is clearly needed.  The people offering support are also hesitant for fear of intruding on people’s privacy.

Heather and Tony’s story shows the value of accepting help early, even when you think you don’t need it. It also shows the opportunities that come from being open to giving and receiving support, and the choices it creates especially for the person who is dying and their carer.

Embracing Palliative Care: A Journey of Compassion - Kalamunda Hospital Patient Experience.

Kalamunda Hospital services encompass Specialist Palliative Care, including inpatient symptom control, end-of-life care, outpatient symptom management clinics, and the newly completed Day Hospice. As part of their commitment to quality care, Kalamunda Hospital completed a significant $9.5 million infrastructure upgrade in 2022 to enhance accessibility and facilities for the patients.

This video delves into the Kalamunda Hospital Patient Experience, showcasing the hospitals commitment to high-quality care and the vital role they play in the local community.

Kalamunda Compassionate Communities journey began in in March 2022 through a 2-year project funded by the Department of Health. Activities conducted during the funding period include: 

  • The City of Kalamunda partnered with Kalamunda Hospital Palliative Care Unit and the day hospice to host an Artist in Residency. The City of Kalamunda engaged an Artist in Residence to produce a series of eight large scale portraits capturing the life stories and legacy of patients, their families and staff at Kalamunda Hospital Palliative Care Unit. 
  • Two community workshops have also been held and facilitated by Artist in Residence Eleisha Pirouet to raise community awareness and understanding around the Compassionate Communities project and the public health approach to end of life.
    Workshop One was an individual painting workshop where participants painted their own Banksia flower, chosen as a symbol for life and death, representing the natural circles of life through the flower’s life cycle.
    Workshop Two was a community art mural, where the participants painted three mobile boards and discussions took place about how the community could come together to better support each other in sickness and at end of life.
    The free workshops attracted a diverse range of community with unique perspectives, discussing legacy, death and dying from an optimistic perspective that celebrates life.
  • A Growing Kalamunda – A Compassionate Community Forum; “Living Well, Ending Well” forum took place on Dying to Know You Day on 8 August. The forum was a celebration of life, ageing, and connecting communities. Featuring Compassionate Community experts, allied health professionals, charity and not-for-profit organisations who work in the space of connecting communities and creating a culture of caring communities. 
  • An art exhibition, a celebration of life and legacy, featuring all the artworks produced as part of the Kalamunda Compassionate Communities project, was on display throughout August and at the Forum. 
  • A volunteer group is now established, consisting of community members, providing a support network between their surrounding neighbours.

Outcomes Achieved

  • A community with improved understanding and knowledge on dying and death care options and familiarity with starting conversations on death and dying
  • A community that demonstrates a willingness and capacity to support and care for each other
  • Projects and initiatives that will support community members, their families and friends facing end of life 
  • Increased community awareness of Palliative Care’s focus to improve the quality of life of patients with a life limiting illness, their families and their caregivers
Useful Resources

More Information

Would you like to become a Citizen Connector?  Please contact: the Community Development Officer – Inclusive Communities (08) 9257 9958 during business hours or email

A man sitting by a window at a table using his laptop and phone

24/7 Resources

ALL LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCIES (Police, Fire, Ambulance) call 000. Other resources which are available 24/7 are:

Community Directory

Crisis & Support Services

Are you in a crisis? If life is in danger, call 000

Download the Crisis Support Guide for information and contacts relating to financial, food, accommodation and other hardships. 

Are you or someone you care about in need of help?
Below are support organisations who exist in the metro region to give you a helping hand to find your feet. 

Remember to reach out to friends and family and contact us if you’re looking to find event or activities locally to engage with. 

  • Poisons Hotline 131 126
  • Non-emergency Police 131 444 
  • Fire Brigade 133 337
  • Western Power: Electrical power faults and emergencies 131 351
  • Water Corporation: emergencies and faults 131 375
  • State Emergency Services: Storm or flood damage 132 500
  • RSPCA (including if an animal's life is in imminent danger) 1300 278 358
  • Wildcare Helpline 9474 9055

GENERAL INFORMATION - Government of Western Australia 

  • Support services—including for children, young people, women, men and seniors—provided by the Western Australian Government and other organisations. Services information includes Family Support; CaLD Service Organisations; Childcare and Playgroups; Children’s services; Men’s services; Respite, aged care and home and community care; Women's Services; Youth Services. Learn More
  • Housing and Tenancy Services - Find out about housing information and support services, real estate organisations, and legal services related to housing. Learn More or View Resources.

    Browse all information and services. 


  • Health Direct
    Phone: 1800 022 222
    If you have a health concern and you’re not sure what to do call us now to speak with a registered nurse. You’ll get fast and expert advice about any health issue which will help you make an informed decision about how to manage it.
  • Cancer Council WA – Hills Regional Office
    Phone: (08) 9382 9358 or 0433 874 390 | Website:
    Location: 1/42 Victoria Street MIDLAND WA  6056 
    Provides information and support services for people affected by cancer. 

  • Mooditj Marmum Book for Aboriginal Services

    A dedicated directory of services available for Aboriginal men across a broad range of health and wellbeing areas including crisis services, relationships, fathering, eating right, being active, weight control, alcohol and drug use, preventable diseases, suicide prevention, legal and financial support and domestic violence. It encourages cultural pride, men actively taking control over their physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing, and the importance of indigenous men providing support for each other and their community.
    Provided by Government of WA - Department of Health Aboriginal Health 
    © The Mooditj Marmun Book is copyright of MAN 33 Moore St, East Perth 6004

    View publication



  • Lifeline

    Phone: 13 11 14 | 0477 13 11 14 (text) | Website:
    24-hour crisis support line via phone, text or online chat.

  • Beyond Blue
    Phone: 1300 224 636 | Website:
    provides a 24/7 helpline to listen, provide information and advice, and point you in the right direction so you can seek further support. They also provide online chat seven days a week, an email service and community forums.

  • Suicide Call Back Service
    Phone: 1300 659 467
    If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, this service offers free professional 24/7 telephone counselling support and online counselling support to people at risk of suicide, concerned about someone at risk, bereaved by suicide and people experiencing emotional or mental health issues.

  • SANE Australia
    Provides online forums for people with lived experience of complex mental health issues, as well as their family, friends and carers.

  • QLife
    Phone: 1800 184 527  | Website:
    Provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral.

  • Butterfly Foundation
    Phone: 1800 334 673 |
    Provides support for eating disorders and body image issues. They also provide an online chat service.

  • MAITRI Mental Health Service (Multicultural Services Centre of WA)

    Phone: (08) 9328 2699 |
    MAITRI provides mental health assessment, treatment and management, counselling, psycho-education and psychosocial intervention for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

  • Samaritans WA
    Phone: 135 247
    Talk through what’s getting to you – big or small. No judgment. No pressure. There for anyone who needs someone. You don’t have to be suicidal to call.
  • 13YARN
    Phone: 13 92 76 | Website:
    Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander crisis support line for people feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping.

  • Australian Defence Force - All Hours Support Line (ASL) - 24 hours, 7 days
    The All-hours Support Line (ASL) is a confidential telephone service for ADF members and their families that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The ASL is designed as a triage line, which simply means that it is there to help you access ADF or civilian mental health services more easily. Services that you can access include psychology, medical, social work, and chaplain services. Telephone (all areas): 1800 628 036
  • The Grief Centre of WA
    Provides understanding, support and pathways to wellbeing for people living with grief. The Centre works to ease the heartache of any type of loss, and advocate to change the way grief is viewed and responded to in our world.
    Phone: 0404 658 052
    Location: 105 Banksia St, TUART HILL
    Website: Home (
  • Griefline
    Griefline is a national not-for-profit organisation that supports anyone experiencing grief. Griefline provides a compassionate space for people to explore and express their grief without judgement.
    Phone: 1300 845 745 | 8am to 8pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year AEDT/AEST
    Website:  Home (


  • OurSPACE WA - The Australian Childhood Foundation
    Phone: 1300 381 581  | Email:
    Free state-wide counselling, therapeutic consultation and support service for Department of Communities foster and family carers who are feeling under stress or requiring some extra support.


  • Cyrenian House (Munda Mia Kalamunda)

    Phone: (08) 9328 9200 | Email: | Website:
    Alcohol and other drug long-term residential treatment service for young women (with the option to bring their children 5 years and under).

  • Here For You – Mental Health Commission
    1800here4u (1800 437 348) | | Website:

    Statewide confidential, non-judgemental telephone service for anyone concerned about their own or another person’s alcohol and other drug use and/or mental health issues.

  • Alcohol and Drug Support Line
    Phone: (08) 9442 5000 or 1800 198 024 (Country)
    Plus online chat that provides a 24/7 confidential, non-judgemental counselling, information and referral service for anyone seeking help for their own or another person’s alcohol or drug use.

  • The Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (DAYS) – Mission Australia
    Phone: (08) 9222 6300
    A free and confidential service located in East Perth which provides young people (aged 12 to 21) and their families with access to a comprehensive range of alcohol and drug service.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous
    Phone: (08) 9325 3566 | Email: | Website: 
    Local Location: Jack Healey Centre, Mead Street, KALAMUNDA
    Postal Address: Claisebrook House 33 Moore Street EAST PERTH WA 6004
    If you think you may be drinking too much we can help – come to a meeting – any meeting, and get the help you need. 


  • Crisis Care
    Phone: 1800 199 008

    Crisis Care provides Western Australia's after-hours response to reported concerns for a child's safety and wellbeing and information and referrals for people experiencing crisis.

    You can contact Crisis Care if you are concerned about the wellbeing of a child, are escaping domestic violence and need help or are experiencing homelessness. 

  • Kids Helpline
    Phone: 1800 551 800 or

    Provides a free, safe and anonymous 24/7 phone and online counselling service for 5 to 25 year olds. They also provide a dedicated phone line for parents on 1800 654 432.

  • The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service

    Phone: 1800 048 636
    Provides phone and online videocall support for children and young people who are experiencing a mental health crisis, as well as support and advice to families and carers. 

  • eHeadspace

    Phone: 1800 650 890 | Website:
    Headspace provides free online and telephone support and counselling to young people 12 - 25 and their families and friends, seven days a week from 9am to 1am Melbourne time. They also provide Group Chats and a Digital Work and Study Service to help you with advice relating to employment and education. 

  • Reach out

    Website: provides free online information, tools and tips help young people get through everyday issues to tough times – and also provides information for parents and schools to make it easier for them to help young people too.

  • Young Carers Support Services & Early Intervention Support Services

    Location: 1A Sayer Street, MIDLAND WA 6056
    Phone: (08) 9427 7100 | Email:
    Growing up around mental illness can have a big impact on young people. It can be confusing, scary and frustrating when a family member lives with mental-ill health. To help young people understand what’s going on around them and how best to cope with the challenges, HelpingMinds offers a variety of free support that is fun, informative, and empowering. 

  • Ngala Parenting Line

    Phone: (08) 9368 9368 | 1800 111 546 (regional)
    This is a free telephone support service for parents and carers of children aged 0-18 years who live in Western Australia. In Perth, phone, 7 days a week, 8 am-8 pm.

  • Men’s Line
    Phone: 1300 789 978 | Website:
    MensLine Australia is the national telephone and online support, information and referral service for men with family and relationship concerns.
  • RightByYou
    RightByYou is designed for young people, by young people and is a web tool, an online tool created by young people, for young people, which is designed for young people in mind to have that kind of informed lens of where to go, what to do when. 


  • Starick
    Phone: (08) 9398 5039
    SAFE AT HOME: Starick’s Safe at Home program is designed to help women and children experiencing domestic or family violence to stay safely in their homes after separation from their abuser. Starick’s Safe at Home program is available to any woman living in our catchment area (all of the City of Kalamunda) who is experiencing domestic or family violence and wants to remain in her own home. This includes women with or without children. The service is free, confidential and sensitive to the needs of women.
    TRANSITIONAL HOUSING: Starick’s Housing of Women in the Community (HOWIC) program provides transitional medium to long term housing in the south-east metropolitan area for women and children who are escaping family and domestic violence and who would otherwise have difficulty securing safe, affordable housing. In partnership with Access Housing, Starick also provides transitional housing.
    For information about accessing Starick's transitional housing, contact Starick's outreach worker

  • Zonta House Refuge Association
    Free call 1800 870 149 | |
    You can break free. POSITIVE PATHWAYS: The Positive Pathways program developed by Zonta House is a unique specialist program that provides free tailored workshops for women in the community. Each workshop is aimed at decreasing the impact and breaking the cycle of FDV by focusing on a woman’s recovery, safety, and wellbeing.
    The calendar provides informative, fun and interactive workshops in a safe and welcoming environment to women and children in the community who have experienced or are at risk of family and domestic violence. Some of the sessions include ‘Mindful Movement & Meditation’, ‘Building Self-Esteem Through Self-Compassion’, ‘Cooking Class—Nutritious Meals On A Budget’, and ‘Laughter Yoga’.
    THE APP: The Positive Pathways app is free to download on iPhone and Android, which has a women’s wellness façade but behind features a help button, and potentially lifesaving facilities, which can be activated in a crisis situation.

  • Women's Domestic Violence Help Line
    Free call 1800 007 339 | (08) 9223 1188
    The Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a statewide 24 hour service. This service provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence.

  • Women's Domestic Violence Help Line
    Free call 1800 007 339 | (08) 9223 1188
    The Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a statewide 24 hour service. This service provides support and counselling for women experiencing family and domestic violence.

  • Men's Domestic Violence Help Line
    Free call 1800 000 599 | (08) 9223 1199

    The Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline is a state wide 24 hour service. This service provides counselling for men who are concerned about their violent and abusive behaviours.

  • Family Relationship Advice Line

    Free call: 1800 050 321
    The Family Relationship Advice Line is a national telephone service that helps families affected by relationship or separation issues, including information on parenting arrangements after separation. It can also refer callers to local services that provide assistance. 

  • 1800RESPECT
    Free call 1800 737 732 |
    The national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service. Call, or reach out via the online chat on their website.

  • Sexual Assault Resource Centre
    Free call 1800 199 888 | (08) 9340 1828
    SARC provides a 24-hour emergency service in metropolitan Perth. This involves medical care, a forensic examination and counselling support to people who have been sexually assaulted within the previous 14 days. SARC also provides counselling in centres across the Perth metropolitan area to people who have experienced sexual assault and sexual abuse in the past.


  • Legal Aid

    Phone: 1300 650 579 | Website:
    Provides information, legal advice and representation. The type and amount of help provided depends on your finances, nature of your legal problem and their resources.

  • Financial Counselling – St. Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies)

    Phone: (08) 6323 7500 | Email
    This is a free and confidential service arranged by appointment only.

  • Emergency Assistance - St. Vincent de Paul Society (Vinnies)

    Phone: 1300 794 054
    Are you experiencing significant difficulties in meeting living expenses such as paying bills and having sufficient food and/or feeling socially isolated? 

  • Making Ends Meet – Anglicare

    Phone: 1300 114 446
    Provides financial assistance, support and education to working families who are living in private rental accommodation and experiencing significant ‘housing stress’.
    Anglicare Financial Assistance

  • Government of Western Australia
    View financial help and assistance for those in need, including eligibility criteria and entitlements for ongoing and one-off payments rates and subsidies. 
  • Australian Government Centrelink Service


  • Rapid Relief Team
  • Phone: 1300 858 208 | Email: 
  • Breakfast Bars @ local schools
  • Provides Emergency Food Boxes and Essential Items (Contact the City of Kalamunda Community Services Team to request support 9257 9999).
  • St Vincent de Paul Society WA - Kalamunda Conference
    Phone: 1300 794 054
    Service Hours (appointments required): Wednesday 9:00am to 12:30pm | Friday 9:00am to 12:30pm 

  • HillSide Church Community Outreach - Forrestfield

    Phone: (08) 9359 5400 | (08) 9359 7777 | Email:
    Service Hours: Tuesday 10:30am to 1:30pm | Thursday 10:30am to 1:30pm

  • Hare Krishna
    Phone: (08) 6293 1519 | 0422 045 525 | Email:
    Food for Life (FFL) is the world’s largest vegetarian food distribution program

  • The Emergency Relief and Food Access Service (Foodbank)
    Phone: 1800 979 777 | 9258 9277 | Email:
    Foodbank Mobile – Forrestfield: Wednesdays 1:00pm to 1:30pm (Walk-ins available)



  • Entrypoint Perth
    Phone: 1800 124 684 | 6496 0001
    A free assessment and referral service assisting people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Western Australia to access accommodation and support options.

  • Crisis Care
    Phone: 1800 199 008

    For urgent housing needs.   

  • Homeless Advisory Service
    Phone: 1800 199 008 (Crisis Care Number) 
    Crisis accommodation and homelessness. Department of Communities, Government of Western Australia.
  • Salvation Army
    Phone: 9492 7100
    The Beacon is the Salvation Army's major crisis service in Perth, providing accommodation, case management and a comprehensive range of services to adults who are experiencing homelessness. Adults over 18 years of age. 
  • St Barts
    Phone: 9323 5100
    Supporting Western Australia's experiencing homelessness, mental health challenges and hardship.
  • Youth Futures WA
    Phone: 9300 2677
    Offer a variety of accommodation and support services for young people experiencing, or at-risk of, homelessness.


  • FriendLine

    Free call 1800 424 287 | Online Chat Service: (4pm – 6pm, Monday – Friday)
    Service Hours: 8am – 6pm, 7 days a week
    For anyone who needs to reconnect or just wants a chat. All conversations with FriendLine are anonymous and their friendly volunteers are ready for a yarn and to share a story or two.

  • Connected AU

    Virtual connection. A place for community to feel visible and valued - to bring individuals from all ages and walks of life together to share, inspire and connect. 

  • Virtual Y
    An online platform brought to you by the Y. Youth clubs play an important role in keeping young people together. On Virtual Y, you'll be able to access exclusive fitness, nutrition, wellbeing, family and youth content – meaning you can stay connected, while apart.


Are you in a crisis? If life is in danger, call 000


Find more Crisis Support and Assistance services via:


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Acknowledgement of Country

We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.

© City of Kalamunda 2025