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Local Environment Strategy

Provides the framework to manage environmental pressures and improve sustainable practices over the next decade and beyond.

Local Environment Strategy - 4 Identified Themes (Green Spaces, Reducing Waste, Natural Resources, Managing Impacts)It will assist in protecting the cherished landscape character of Kalamunda and guide improvements in the City’s own operations and its work with stakeholders and community groups.

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What has been happening?

The LES Progress Snapshot Update has been designed to provide an update and information on actions taken to achieve the items identified in the strategy. Find the latest LES Natural Areas 2024 update via the epublication here.

Local Environment Strategy - Theme: Green SpacesGREEN SPACES: The value of green space and natural areas

Caring for our parks, streetscapes & public places, culturally significant features & places, natural features, vegetation & wetland areas is vital to maintaining a healthy community.


  1. The community’s needs for green spaces and natural areas are met.
    • Improve the quality of parks, reserves and streetscapes.
    • Control invasive species in City reserves and managed landscapes.
    • Secure a network of linked reserves and places.
    • Manage bushfire risk without adversely affecting biodiversity in our reserves.
    • Promote the benefits of our reserves and green spaces for mental and physical wellbeing.
  2. Protect trees and canopy that provide shade and sense of place in the City of Kalamunda
    In Planning
    • Investigate, develop and implement strategy and policy to protect trees and tree canopy.

Local Environment Strategy - Theme: Natural ResourcesNATURAL RESOURCES: Conserving natural resources

By conserving our nature resources we contribute to a thriving community & provide a future for our children.


  1. Protect waterways and manage flood risk in an environmentally sensitive manner.
    • Holistically manage our surface water resources to improve water quality and natural values.
  2. Ensure long term viability of water sources for irrigation of parks.
    • Identify and utilise fit for purpose water resources
    • Utilise technology to attain water use efficiencies
  3. Support and assist sustainable movement options.
    • Develop an integrated movement plan that improves transit sustainability.
  4. For the organisation to be seen as leaders in sustainable practices.
    In Planning
    • To become a carbon neutral City to address the impacts of climate change.

Local Environment Strategy - Theme: Reducing WasteREDUCING WASTE: Reducing and reusing waste is important

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.


  1. Protect the City’s natural environment.
      In Progress
    • Implement the State Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.
    • Support community groups to reduce waste in reserves.
    • Increase material recovery to 70% by 2025.
  2. Reduce the amount of waste generated in the City of Kalamunda.
      In Progress
    • 10% reduction in waste generation per capita by 2025.

Local Environment Strategy - Theme: Managing ImpactsMANAGING IMPACTS: Requires constant vigilance and work with the community to ensure its protection.

Our local natural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it healthy and free from unwelcome impacts. We undertake to work with the community to ensure its protection, including the landscape assets of our City.


  1. The LES is accountable to the residents of the City of Kalamunda.
    • The LES guides and informs future City of Kalamunda strategies and plans.
    • Use the LES platform to provide simple, interactive and informative materials for the reporting of LES.
  2. Provide opportunities for partnerships with our community to manage our clean and green local environment.
      In Progress
    • Provide a comprehensive support program for environmental volunteers.
    • Celebrate our environmental volunteers and stewards.
  3. Partner with our community to improve knowledge of our natural areas.
      In Progress
    • Educate and engage our Community through the delivery of educational opportunities
  4. Protect and enhance our regions unique landscapes and sense of place.
      In Progress
    • Investigate and develop strategy and policy to protect unique landscape features.
    • Investigate the further protection of native vegetation.
    • Promote the City for its nature based activities, landscapes and physical attractions

How are we progressing?

Progress Key explained
© City of Kalamunda 2025