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Food Safety & Premises

New standards are being introduced across Australia by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) to improve food safety and prevent food-borne illness.

Poor food handling can cause outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, which can result in avoidable hospitalisations, loss of revenue and reputational damage to food businesses.

Some food businesses will be required to implement food safety management tools. These will enable food businesses to manage food safety risks more effectively to help prevent foodborne illnesses and outbreaks, loss of revenue and reputational damage.

Food businesses that handle unpackaged, potentially hazardous and/or ready-to-eat foods will need to comply with the new standard requirements by 8 December 2023.

For more information visit or contact the City of Kalamunda Environmental Health team.


It is the responsibility of the City’s Health Service to ensure that all food businesses within the district are aware of and comply with requirements.

Food businesses across Western Australia are required to comply with the Food Act 2008, the Food Regulations 2009 and the Food Standards Code

If you are thinking of operating a food business within the City of Kalamunda, please refer to these  Food Business Guidelines, and contact the City's Health Service if you need more information.

All new food businesses are required to notify the City’s Health Service of their proposed food business prior to commencement by completing and returning a New Food Business Registration Form.

City of Kalamunda residents can now complete the FoodSafe Online course FREE of charge. Expand instructions provided below for further information on how apply the discount code.

*Accessing FoodSafe Online Instructions

FoodSafe Online Overview

Notification of Food Business

Food businesses required to complete a Notification of Food Business are as follows:

  • Food businesses only selling food that is fully packaged and non-hazardous
  • Food businesses only of providing complimentary drink
  • Food businesses for community or charitable purposes where the food is either non-hazardous or cooked and sold for immediate consumption 

Preparing Food at Home?

If you prepare the food at home then you need to be registered with your Local Government. If the food is prepared in the City of Kalamunda please complete and return a New Food Business Registration Form.

The Department of Health’s  Residential Food Preparation Guidelines can provide more information on the requirements of preparing food at home.

Environmental Health Officer’s conduct regular inspections of the markets to ensure that all stalls are approved and food is handled safely, protected from contamination and labelled according to the Food Standards Code – Guide to Food Labelling.

All other Food Businesses are required to apply for Registration of a Food Business.

Purchasing an Existing Food Business

When a new proprietor purchases an existing food premises they are required to inform the City’s Health Service within seven (7) days by completing an Application for Registration of a Food Business.

To request detail about a Food Business for the purposes of Settlement, please complete the Food Business Detail Request for Settlement.  Please note any details provided will be based on the most recent inspection of the premises as conducted by an Environmental Health Officer and a special inspection of the premises for the purposes of Settlement will not be conducted. 

New Food Premises & Refitting Food Premises

If you are considering opening a new food premises or making significant alterations to an existing food premises within the City please contact the City’s Health Service to ensure you have a thorough understanding of all the legal requirements.
Your proposal may also require Planning or Building approval, please contact the City’s Planning and Building Departments to determine whether this applies. (Building Services Link, Planning Services Link)
An Application for Registration of a Food Business is required to be completed for all new food businesses. Applications must include two scaled copies of the floor plan indicating the kitchen layout/fit out, and elevation drawings. Applications are assessed against the requirements of the Food Standards Code, specifically Chapter 3 – Food Safety Standards. Copies of the Standards and further information is available at the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website.


Acknowledgement of Country

We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.

© City of Kalamunda 2025