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Traffic Management Plans 

If you are going to work in the road reserve or hold an event you will need a Traffic Management Plan that is approved by the City. 

What is a Road Reserve?

A road reserve is deemed to include any part of the road, verge or path. 

Why do I need a Traffic Management Plan?

Traffic management is required to protect the safety of yourself, your staff, contractors and visitors whilst the road reserve works are being undertaken or an event is taking place.

How do I prepare a Traffic Management Plan?

A Traffic Management Plan (Plan) needs to be prepared by a qualified person, being registered as an Advanced Worksite Traffic Management (AWTM) practitioner or a Roadworks Traffic Manager (RTM). Find a suitable person or company using your preferred search engine such as Google or Bing.

Once you have explained the work you are doing to the AWTM or RTM, the person will prepare a Plan with drawings and submit them to the City of Kalamunda for approval.

You or the RTM/AWTM can submit the Plan to

Assessment Time

The City requires a minimum of 14 calendar days to assess simple plans and provide approval. Please ensure you have provided sufficient time for the assessment so that we can ensure your work is conducted safely, and that we have considered any other works in the area.

A complex plan including road closures may take longer than 14 days to assess.

If you are conducting an event you should submit the Traffic Management Plan with the event application.

Timeline for Preparing and Getting Approval for Temporary Road Closures


☛ Contractor prepares draft TMP and Closure Notices

+/- 35 Days Prior

☛ Contractor gets in principle agreement with Key Stakeholders that are affected (such as PTA, MRWA)

>28 Days Prior

☛ Contractor Submits TMP to City
☛ City to respond within 14 days, thus time for reviews and approval in time for the Contractor to arrange local notices

>21 Days Prior

☛ Contractor posts notices to local residents and businesses (if no letter drop)

>14 Days Prior

☛ Contractor delivers notices to residents and businesses
☛ Contractor advertises to the public
☛ City support advertising via social media
☛ City notifies internally through its CIB

>7 Days Prior

☛ Contactor sets out VMB or site signage notifying of the coming closure
☛ City repeats social media
☛ City notifies internally through its CIB


☛ Contractor sets out signs etc and forms closure
☛ Contractor notifies the City that the road is closed
☛ City repeats social media
☛ City notifies internally through its CIB

Road Opened

☛ Contractor notifies the City that the road is opened
☛ Contractor may have ongoing traffic control after the road is open
☛ City follows up with social media
☛ City notifies internally through its CIB

Fees and Charges

The City assess and approve Traffic Management Plans for free, unless the work involves a complex assessment (see below).

There is no application form required just for Traffic Management Plans. 

For complex traffic management plans (Your preferred RTM/AWTM will advise if the Traffic Management Plan is complex), the City will assess the first version of the plan for free. However, after the initial approval any significant amendments including changing the dates of road closures will incur a reassessment fee as provided in the current Schedule of Fees and Charges.


What do we do to assess Traffic Management Plans?

  • The City reviews the Plans for the purpose of general oversight.

The City make sure that the Traffic Management Plans has considered:

  • The local road environment,
  • Pedestrians and cyclists,
  • Speed zones and known traffic behaviours,
  • Heavy vehicles, traffic efficiency, and
  • The timing and duration of the project.

It is the responsibility of the RTM or AWTM to make sure that the plan complies to AS 1742.3 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 3 Works on Roads, and the Main Roads WA Code of Practice Traffic Management for Works on Roads.


    If the City are satisfied that the Traffic Management Plan has been prepared correctly, we will issue a letter of approval. Work (other than emergency work) or the event must not commence until this letter has been received by the workers on site.

    Short Term Work

    If you are undertaking minor work that is expected to last under an hour then please contact the City for information on whether a Traffic Management Plan is required.

    Working for the City

    If you are undertaking work on behalf of the City you still require a Traffic Management Plan. In some cases the City will have a Traffic Management Plan created by its appointed traffic management contractor and will then apply the Traffic Management Plan to a project.

    In other cases you (the contractor) will need to have a Traffic Management Plan prepared. This should be explained to you when you are appointed. Regardless of whom prepares the Traffic Management Plan, a separate team in the City will review and authorise the Traffic Management Plan before work can commence on site.

    Contact the works manager or project manager for your project to see what situation applies.

    Further Information

    For more information on Traffic Management Plans please refer to the Main Roads WA site on Temporary Traffic Management: 

    © City of Kalamunda 2025