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Kalamunda WayFairer

Kalamunda WayFairer Project was a 5-year project, funded from Department of Communities, facilitated by Inclusion Solutions in partnership with the City of Kalamunda. Kalamunda WayFairer Project worked with individuals who wished to contribute to community life, promoted the involvement of older residents and the development of a stronger Kalamunda community. 

Kalamunda WayFairers project officially came to an end on 30 June 2024.


The WayFairer Project addressed two important community issues directly related to belonging in the City of Kalamunda.

  • The ageing population being better connected, contributing and having a greater sense of belonging in the Kalamunda community
  • Addressing the gaps and pressures across community based organisations

The WayFairer Project strategically utilised the knowledge, talents, skills, experience and interests of residents aged 50 and above (WayFairers). 

Older adults have so many skills, talents and experiences that we should utilise within our communities. The WayFairer Project helped adults aged 50+ years old and community networks to connect with each other and foster a reciprocal relationship.

In the spirit of the WayFairers project, Inclusion Solutions and the City would like to encourage you all to keep connecting with your community via all the amazing clubs and groups in the City of Kalamunda or better still, form your own group to share your passions and skills with others.

If you have any queries or require support, please contact the Community Development Officer Inclusive Communities on 9257 9999 or via email

We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing...
George Bernard Shaw
© City of Kalamunda 2025