When travelling to the transfer station, please remember that unsecured loads can cause unsightly roadside litter. Additionally, rubbish falling off trucks, trailers and utes can create dangerous projectiles and are a risk to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists. Remember, littering is illegal. For more information, see the unsecured loads fact sheet from Keep Australia Beautiful WA.
Further details are provided below including location, operating hours, fees and conditions of entry.
NOTE: Your annual Entry Pass is valid for Walliston Transfer Station only. Fees apply to use Red Hill Waste Management Facility.
Do you have a van | truck | branded vehicle?Find out how you can access the Walliston Transfer Station using a Vehicle Permit. Find out more here
City of Kalamunda residents do not pay fees for the non-commercial use of the Walliston Transfer Station.
To gain access, please ensure you bring:
Location: 155 Lawnbrook Road, Walliston | Telephone: (08) 9257 9803
** Aggressive behaviour or refusal to comply with the site rules will not be tolerated. **
See the information below with tips on how to best pack your trailer or see the Walliston Transfer Station Guide Map.
If you use a trailer to transport items, please make sure you are aware of the rules regarding safe loads.
NOTE: The Walliston Transfer Station and Second Chance Reuse Shop has adjusted hours over the Easter holidays:
Thursday 17th April: Open (8am to 3.30pm)
Good Friday 18th April: Closed
Saturday 19th April: Open (8am to 3.30pm)
Easter Sunday 20th April: Closed
Monday – Wednesday: Closed (as normal)
Thursday 24th April: Open (8am to 3.30pm)
Friday 25th April (ANZAC Day): Closed
Saturday 26th April: Open (8am to 3.30pm)
Sunday 27th April: Open (8am to 3.30pm)
Entry Passes are NOT transferrable and are for residential use only. The person using the Entry Pass must reside at the listed address to gain entry to Walliston Transfer Station.
Exceptions are considered but MUST be organised PRIOR to attending the Transfer Station. Please contact the Waste Department during office hours to get prior approval. Without the relevant authorisation, entry to the Transfer Station will not be allowed.
Residents cannot give their Entry Pass to gardeners, handymen or builders. The Walliston Transfer Station is for residential use only, NOT commercial use or anyone being paid for a service. Any waste deemed commercial will incur associated fees and charges.
Owners of investment properties who do not reside at the property listed on the Entry Pass, should bring the relevant Rates Notice for that property and their Driver's Licence.
The City of Kalamunda monitors site usage and reserves the right to make further enquiries of the owner of the vehicle and at the premises from which the waste originated. Waste needs to be carried safely and vehicles bringing waste to the site should at all times comply with the Road Traffic Act (1974).
Abusive or unsafe behaviour will not be tolerated and may result in revocation of your Entry Pass and/or Vehicle Permit (if applicable).
Green Waste (Unlimited Entries)
✔️Green waste items include:
Recyclable Materials (Unlimited Entries)
✔️Agreed recyclable materials/items include:
Four (4) General Waste Entries
✔️General waste items include:
🛑 NOT accepted at Walliston Transfer Station 👎
❌Items not accepted include:
The only household hazardous waste (HHW) accepted at Walliston Transfer Station: batteries, CFL light globes and motor oil. Refer to the disposal of hazardous materials section for further information about safe disposal options.
The Walliston Transfer Station is for RESIDENTIAL WASTE ONLY. The disposal of commercial waste incurs a waste disposal charge. Fees apply for any of the following situations:
Find your Walliston Transfer Station Entry Pass in your annual Rates Notice. Entry Passes are issued each financial year and expire on 31st July. Refer below for permitted items.
Four entries to dispose of accepted general waste, unlimited entries to dispose of green waste and unlimited entries to dispose of accepted recyclable items. Refer to the list of “accepted” and “not accepted” items at Transfer Station.
Community can now donate secondhand household items to Kalamunda's reuse shop located at Walliston Transfer Station - Second Chance.
Opening in early 2022, this reuse shop is managed by Workpower, a WA disability service provider. Your donations and purchases will support people with disability in employment and in the community. [ Learn more...]
We can accept a wide range of materials for recycling at absolutely no cost to you. We accept:
✔ Good quality furniture and household goods.
✔ Household electrical appliances.
✔ Scrap metal.
✔ Cardboard and paper recyclables.
✔ Landscape and renovator items.
✔ Glass and plastics.
We also accept eligible Container for Change containers, with all donations going to support people with disability through Workpower.
(as Landlord wishes to retain it) may gain entry under the following conditions:
Yes. Residents / Ratepayers are required to present their Entry Pass and photo ID (i.e., Driver’s Licence) for all entries to the Walliston Transfer Station.
Your Driver’s Licence must show your residential address in the City. If you are bringing waste from your investment property please bring along proof of ownership, such as your rates notice.
Yes. Tenants are advised to contact their real estate agents or landlords to obtain the Entry Pass for their residence. If the landlord does not wish to pass on the Entry Pass, you can attend with proof of residency, however fees may apply.
You are still entitled to use the Entry Pass. Your Driver Licence address will need to match the Entry Pass address to gain entry.
For enquiries, please contact our Customer Relations Officer on (08) 9257 9999 during business or email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au for further information.
Entry Passes can be reissued but a fee may apply.
Please contact our Customer Relations Officer on (08) 9257 9999 during business hours to order a replacement copy. Entry Passes can be emailed to you or, if you prefer a hard copy, it can be collected from the gatehouse at the Walliston Transfer Station or from the Administration Building at 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda or alternatively be posted.
Please keep a copy of the email or a photo of your hard copy in case you misplace it to save a reissue fee.
Entry Passes are sent to Residents / Ratepayers as part of their Rates package. To allow time for postage the Entry Passes have a crossover date each year. Entry Passes are valid from 1 July until 31 July the following year. You must use your new Entry Pass from 1 August each Financial Year.
If you have not received your Entry Pass by 31 July please contact our Customer Relations Officer on (08) 9257 9999.
No. The Entry Pass is valid for the Walliston Transfer Station only.
Red Hill is operated by EMRC - separate entry conditions and fees apply.
Yes. However, it will be pro rata entry/ies of one entry for each whole quarter.
Please contact our Customer Relations Officer on (08) 9257 9999 during business hours, or email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au for further information and assistance.
Additional entries can be purchased at the Walliston Transfer Station Gatehouse (EFTPOS only - no cash). Refer to Fees & Charges. You will still be entitled to unlimited green waste and unlimited accepted recycling.
Please contact our Customer Relations Officer on (08) 9257 9999 during business hours, or email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au for further information.
Please contact our Customer Relations Officer on (08) 9257 9999 during business hours, or email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au to discuss your requirements.
No. Walliston Transfer Station is STRICTLY for Residents / Ratepayers of the City of Kalamunda only.
If you have used all four (4) general waste entries, you may purchase additional entries at the Walliston Transfer Station gatehouse (EFTPOS only - no cash). See Fees & Charges
Residents / Ratepayers are reminded that they also have access to three (3) skip bins per annum. Residents / Ratepayers can contact Cleanaway on (08) 9449 3332 or order a skip bin online via http://cityofkalamunda.cleanaway.com.au.
Allocated Entry Passes are valid for the listed property only. Generally, tenants should be given the Entry Pass to use it whilst occupying the property.
However, landlords are reminded to bring the relevant property Rates Notice and their Driver's Licence when utilising their rental/investment property's Entry Pass.
Maximum permitted trailer size 8ft x 6ft (2.4m x 1.8m) for disposal of general waste.See vehicle permits if you have an oversized trailer.
⛔ NO over-sized Trucks or Commercial Loads. No Horse Floats or car-towing trailers. (Maximum GVM of 3.5 tonne)
Applies to City of Kalamunda residents who use:
Residents using a Vehicle Permit are required to also bring their Entry Pass and show their valid Driver’s Licence.
View more information about Vehicle Permit applications here
To stop of spread of the polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB), the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) has approved green waste sites under the general exemption outlined in the PSHB Quarantine Area Notice - Walliston Transfer Station is listed as an approved facility. There will be regular inspections to ensure that plant material is managed in accordance with the requirements of the Quarantine Area Notice.
We request that when transporting green waste, you must ensure it is securely transported in a fully sealed and covered in your trailer or vehicle. See the Keep Australia Beautiful WA unsecure loads fact sheet for more information.
A quarantine area (QA) is in place across 30 local government areas in Perth, WA. This helps contain the spread of the borer. It also allows for surveillance activities to be undertaken.
The QA now encompasses two zones, Zone A and Zone B. The requirements for each zone are outlined on the WA DPIRD website.
You cannot move bark, potted plants, firewood, tree pruning's, logs, plant cuttings, mulch, timber, wood or wood chips out of the QA. These can act as a host and spread the beetle.
The polyphagous shot-hole borer does not affect grass. Lawn clippings can be disposed of as normal.
For any transfer station enquiries, view our Frequently Asked Questions above or alternatively, please contact us on (08) 9257 9999 during office hours or send an email to enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au.
Managed by the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC), the City of Kalamunda is no longer a member council. Residents are encouraged to dispose of household hazardous waste (HHW)including asbestos at this facility.
City of Kalamunda Entry Passes are not valid at this facility. General waste and green waste can be disposed of at Red Hill however the disposal of items is NOT free - please refer to the EMRC website for full fees and charges.
Location: Toodyay Road, Red HillTelephone: (08) 9574 6235Hazardous Waste Information: https://www.emrc.org.au/waste-services/waste-and-recycling-services.aspxFees & Charges: https://www.emrc.org.au/waste-services/waste-and-recycling-services/fees-and-charges.aspxWebsite: www.EMRC.org.au
Monday - Friday: 8.00am - 4.00pmSaturday: 8.00am - 4.00pmSunday: 10.00am - 4.00pmGood Friday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day: CLOSED
Order a Skip Bin
Sorting Your Waste