Cat Pound Facility Upgrade On The Way
The City is excited to share enhancements are on the way for the cat pound facility in Walliston. These upgrades aim to elevate the standard of care and comfort provided to our furry residents.
The cat pound will be temporarily closed from Monday 26 February 2024 for approximately one week. To help us prepare for the closure, no cats will be impounded or collected from Thursday 22 February to Friday 1 March 2024. This decision, possibly inconvenient for some members of our community, is vital to ensuring the smooth execution of the renovation process.
The City is committed to providing the best possible environment for the cats under our care and these upgrades will allow us to enhance their living conditions and overall well-being.
We greatly appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our community during this time.
For more information, visit kalamunda.wa.gov.au, call 9257 9999 or email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au

Cat Pound Facility Upgrade On The Way
The City is excited to share enhancements are on the way for the cat pound facility in Walliston. These upgrades aim to elevate the standard of care and comfort provided to our furry residents.
The cat pound will be temporarily closed from Monday 26 February 2024 for approximately one week. To help us prepare for the closure, no cats will be impounded or collected from Thursday 22 February to Friday 1 March 2024. This decision, possibly inconvenient for some members of our community, is vital to ensuring the smooth execution of the renovation process.
The City is committed to providing the best possible environment for the cats under our care and these upgrades will allow us to enhance their living conditions and overall well-being.
We greatly appreciate the understanding and cooperation of our community during this time.
For more information, visit kalamunda.wa.gov.au, call 9257 9999 or email enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.