City Introduces New Fees to Support Community Health and Sustainability
The City of Kalamunda has introduced new fees and charges for the 2024-2025 financial year to sustainably manage resources and services essential to our community's health, safety and well-being.
Over time, the City has absorbed various costs associated with essential services and statutory requirements. These new fees are designed to fairly recover these costs across sectors that benefit from City-managed inspections, ensuring the safety and compliance of premises and people.
"Our commitment to transparency and responsible financial management drives these updates," said Mayor Margaret Thomas. "By implementing these new fees and charges, we ensure that the City can continue to provide high-quality services and meet statutory requirements without placing an undue burden on our residents."
Key updates include the introduction of fees for public building assessments, public event assessment and associated approvals, outdoor dining fees and an application fee for businesses using City-managed land for commercial purposes.
The City’s Environmental Health Officers will oversee inspection fees for public buildings categorised by risk level: high, medium, and low. Fees have also been introduced for assessing and approving community events.
Application and registration fees are now required for skin penetration premises such as beauty therapy and tattoo establishments. Annual assessment fees ensure ongoing compliance with health and safety standards.
Detailed information on specific fee structures and their applications can be found online at Health Fees and Charges, calling 9257 9999 or emailing enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au.

City Introduces New Fees to Support Community Health and Sustainability
The City of Kalamunda has introduced new fees and charges for the 2024-2025 financial year to sustainably manage resources and services essential to our community's health, safety and well-being.
Over time, the City has absorbed various costs associated with essential services and statutory requirements. These new fees are designed to fairly recover these costs across sectors that benefit from City-managed inspections, ensuring the safety and compliance of premises and people.
"Our commitment to transparency and responsible financial management drives these updates," said Mayor Margaret Thomas. "By implementing these new fees and charges, we ensure that the City can continue to provide high-quality services and meet statutory requirements without placing an undue burden on our residents."
Key updates include the introduction of fees for public building assessments, public event assessment and associated approvals, outdoor dining fees and an application fee for businesses using City-managed land for commercial purposes.
The City’s Environmental Health Officers will oversee inspection fees for public buildings categorised by risk level: high, medium, and low. Fees have also been introduced for assessing and approving community events.
Application and registration fees are now required for skin penetration premises such as beauty therapy and tattoo establishments. Annual assessment fees ensure ongoing compliance with health and safety standards.
Detailed information on specific fee structures and their applications can be found online at Health Fees and Charges, calling 9257 9999 or emailing enquiries@kalamunda.wa.gov.au.
We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.