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Project Details

Cambridge Reserve

Project Status : In Progress
Estimated Completion Date : 2025
Location : Cambridge Road, Forrestfield

The Cambridge Reserve Enhancement Project (the Project) proposes to transform Cambridge Reserve, which is currently  a 9 hectare site classified as a public open space reserve serving a recreation and drainage function, to formalise and increase site activation and community safety, expose its natural beauty and amenity for the whole community utilising its natural values, and concurrently transform the site into a community asset providing much needed services and accommodation.  

A 3.85 hectare portion of the site has been to be rezoned for the delivery critical aged residential care, and new diverse housing opportunities. The remaining portion of the site will be improved significantly to cater for a wide range of age groups. This is planned to feature a large playground, half basketball court, a network of trails proposed to contain interactive features such as educational signage, nature-play, exercise equipment, barbeques, shelter and seating areas.  

Areas of Threatened Ecological Communities (TEC) are proposed to be protected, fenced and managed with measures such as weed control, dieback prevention and revegetation as needed to improve the vegetation quality and long term viability of ecological values. 


Cambridge Reserve is an 8.97ha partly-vegetated park that serves a recreation and drainage function. The site is surrounded by residential housing to the north, south and west. A Western Power high voltage transmission easement that bisects the locality straddles the eastern boundary of site. 

Cambridge Reserve is located approximately 500m south-east of the Forrestfield District Centre and approximately 200m east of the Forrestfield Primary School. Nearby facilities and activity nodes include the Woodlupine Family and Community Centre, Forrestfield library, Forrestfield Police Station, Hartfield Park Recreation Centre and several commercial centres ranging in scale and function. 

The City undertook a preliminary community engagement process in February 2018, to seek feedback on how residents would like to see Cambridge Reserve improved.

The process included setting up information stalls at the Forrestfield Shopping Centre and conducting an on site workshop at Cambridge Reserve, where participants took part in mapping ideas and an online survey.

The City commenced the preparation of a plan that reflected the desires of the community from earlier community engagement, which was adopted by the Council in June 2018, followed by further public advertising. 

The public advertising campaign occurred from July-August 2018 included letters to residents and stakeholders, pop-up information stalls, surveys and workshops.

At the February 2019 Ordinary Council Meeting Council considered community feedback on the Concept Plan and resolved to adopt the Concept Plan for the purposes of undertaking further technical studies, initiating the land transfer process with the State Government, and preparing an amendment to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS 3).

Revised Concept Plan and Scheme Amendment 104

In 2019, further technical studies were undertaken including a spring flora survey which highlighted an area of significant vegetation which needed to be protected. A local water management strategy was also prepared and found the stormwater basin onsite was too small to meet contemporary standards. This resulted in modifications to the Concept Plan which among other factors includes 100% retention of protected flora and a constructed wetland design that results in the relocation of the existing stormwater basin to the western side of Cambridge Reserve. Two versions of the revised Concept Plan have been produced in this regard:

  • Option A – featuring a 1.5ha aged care site, and;
  • Option B – featuring a 1ha aged care site 

On 25 August 2020, the Council resolved to adopt the revised Concept Plans and initiate a LPS 3 Amendment No. 104 (Amendment 104) for the purpose of public advertising. Amendment 104 proposed to reclassify approximately 3.85ha portion of Cambridge Reserve from ‘Local Open Space’ to the ‘Urban Development’ zone to facilitate a future aged care facility, residential lots and local open space improvements to the site. The balance of the site is proposed to remain a Local Open Space reserve.

Amendment 104 was approved by the Minister for Planning on 27 April 2022. A copy of the approved Amendment 104 is provided under 'Related Documents' below. 

Current Status

At the December 2021 Ordinary Council Meeting, the Council resolved to proceed with purchasing the subject land from the State Government for the purposes of delivering on Council's vision adopted through the Concept Plan. The Business Plan supporting the transaction is provided under 'Related Documents' below. 

The City of Kalamunda finalised the purchase of Cambridge Reserve from the State Government in September 2022.

In early 2023, the City commenced an Expressions of Interest process to invite proposals from the market to help deliver on the desired vision and development objectives for Cambridge Reserve, particularly aged residential care. The City is in the process of considering the feedback received and the next steps regarding the potential sale of a portion of the site.

The City will soon progress more detailed planning including a subdivision process and the preparation of a structure plan to guide development outcomes in Cambridge Reserve.

Project Images

Cambridge Reserve - Proposed Local Planning Scheme Amendment 104 Map

Cambridge Reserve - Concept Plan B

Cambridge Reserve - Concept Plan A

Related Documents

Contact Information

City's Strategic Planning Services during office hours:
Telephone: (08) 9257 9999

© City of Kalamunda 2025