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Project Details

Stirk Park Gross Pollutant Trap

Project Status : Complete
Estimated Completion Date : April 2020
Location : Stirk Park, Kalamunda Road, Kalamunda

Stirk Park has been given a storm water health upgrade, with the installation of a Baffle Box Gross Pollutant Trap.

Baffle boxes are concrete or fiberglass structures containing a series of sediment settling chambers separated by baffles, key functions as follows:

  • The Baffle Box is being used to treat runoff entering Stirk Park.
  • The structure is designed to help reduce the amount of sediment and polluted stormwater that enters Stirk Park and the creek.
  • The pollutant separating screen system in the centre of box filters out large debris; this includes leaves sticks and litter.
  • By slowing the flow through the stormwater pipe the baffle box allows time for sediment to settle out of the water, this collects in the bottom of the box.
  • The result is cleaner water entering the drainage reserve which in turn improves the water quality of Poison Gully. 

The pollutant trap will significantly reduce the amount of pollutants entering the Stirk Park and is expected to be operational by April 2020. Once installed, the trap will catch litter, particularly cigarette butts and pieces of plastics, before they enter the creek.

Media Release

Project Images

The baffle box being lifted off a low bed trailer parked on Kalamunda Road opposite the Stirk Park site.

The baffle box being placed into the site by crane and two workers at Stirk Park located in Kalamunda

The site hole dug for installation of the baffle box in Stirk Park located in Kalamunda

A close up view of the inside of the baffle box located at Stirk Park in Kalamunda

View of the Baffle Box located at Stirk Park in Kalamunda

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City of Kalamunda 
Phone: (08) 9257 9999
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