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Project Details

Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area (MKSEA)

Project Status : In Progress
Estimated Completion Date : Ongoing
Location : Maddington - Kenwick - Wattle Grove


An industrial area in Wattle Grove and City of Gosnells. 13% of MKSEA identified land is within City of Kalamunda’s boundaries. The MKSEA area in the City of Kalamunda is bounded by Welshpool Road East and City of Gosnells boundary.


In August 2014, the City of Gosnells (CoG) completed all necessary studies in support of the rezoning of the major portion of Maddington Kenwick Strategic Employment Area (MKSEA) within their boundaries, from ‘Rural’ to ‘Industrial’. 

13% of MKSEA-identified land is within the City of Kalamunda’s boundaries. The MKSEA is bounded by Welshpool Road East and the CoG boundary.

Latest Update

May 2020
Precinct 3C is a section of MKSEA zoned Industrial under the Metropolitan Region Scheme and under the Local Planning Scheme includes properties zoned Special Rural, Public Purposes and Private Clubs and Institutions respectively. Once an MRS Amendment is approved generally the Local Government is required to amend the Local Planning Scheme so the zoning is consistent. Given the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has directed the City of Gosnells to undertake an Environmental Review which may affect recommendations for Precinct 3C the City of Kalamunda has been granted a number of extensions by the WAPC pending outcomes of the review.

In the meantime the City of Kalamunda is progressing a number of technical studies, including a flora and fauna survey for Precinct 3C completed in Spring 2019. To view the full report see a copy below in Related Documents. ”

Figure 1: Precinct 3C flora and fauna survey boundary

Aerial Image of the MKSEA Precinct 3C Flora and Fauna Survey Boundary

June 2017
In June 2017 Council resolved to adopt Scheme Amendment 89 that rezones the land from Special Rural to General Industry and Light Industry and to introduce a Special Control Area. 

View the June 2017 Council Report (item 32)

The Special Control Area includes several conditions as detailed below:

  • A BAL assessment or Contour Map, prepared in accordance with the Guidelines for Planning in Bushfire Prone Areas (as amended), demonstrating how any bushfire hazards identified can be appropriately managed within the context of the proposal to the satisfaction of the City of Kalamunda
  • A Local Water Management Strategy, prepared in accordance with Better Urban Water Management on the advice of the City of Kalamunda, to the satisfaction of the Department of Water
  • Investigations to determine if any significant vegetation, flora or fauna habitat occurs within the proposal area. Where relevant to a subdivision area or development application, detailed management plans shall be prepared and implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Kalamunda.
  • Design guidelines adopted by the local government under Part 2 of the deemed provisions for development of land on Lots directly front Welshpool Road East.

Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendments

The CoG requested the WA Planning Commission to initiate the Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment to change the zoning from ‘Rural’ to ‘Industrial’. Following that, the City of Kalamunda requested the WA Planning Commission to include the remainder of the land identified under MKSEA within the City's boundaries in the Amendment. Our correspondence was sent to the WA Planning Commission in November 2014.

Planning stages

The key stages in the City of Kalamunda’s proposed planning for this area are anticipated to proceed as follows:

  • MRS Amendment now completed, which has rezoned the area from Rural to Industrial
  • Local Planning Scheme Amendments are currently underway and will be run in two stages:
    • Stage 1: West of Coldwell Road has been initiated by a developer
    • Stage 2: East of Coldwell Road has not yet been progressed by any landowner or developer
  • Further, more detailed planning, is likely to be undertaken by landowners and developers

State planning context

The draft Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million and associated draft North-East Sub-regional Planning Framework, the highest level strategic document for Perth and Peel, identified this area as a future Industrial Expansion area.

Follow the links to the see the draft NE Subregional Framework document and plan


Project Images

Aerial Image of the MKSEA Precinct 3C Flora and Fauna Survey Boundary

Related Documents

Contact Information

More information is available on the City of Gosnells website.
 For any queries regarding this project section, call the City’s Strategic Planning on 9257 9930.

© City of Kalamunda 2024