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Procurement and Tenders

Tendering is the process of making an offer, bid or proposal, or expressing an interest in response to an invitation to tender.

This process can also be known as a Request for Tender (RFT), a Request for Proposal (RFP), an Expression of Interest (EOI) or a formal Request for Quote (RFQ).

Supplier update: invoice requirements

To ensure prompt processing and payment of your invoices, we ask that our suppliers email all invoices to and ensure invoice comply with our invoice requirements.

The City of Kalamunda use an online procurement portal for all tendering requests.  Organisations are advised that the City no longer accept any other forms of submission except through procurement portal, TenderLink.

Tenders & EQuote Registers

Information listed in the documents below is for viewing only. These register documents should not be printed, copied or distributed without City authorisation and approval.


Contractors working with the City of Kalamunda should ensure they are familiar with the following information contained in documents below.

Tender Schedule

RFT2316 - Hartfield Park Hockey Field Lighting Upgrade
Advertised from: 24 January 2024 | Closes: 21 February 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage a suitably qualified Electrical Contractor to supply and install the sports lighting upgrade to Hartfield Park Hockey / Teeball reserve.

The Contract period will be for a construction period of up to 12 weeks continuous construction plus an additional 12-month defects liability period.

For more information, please refer to the Tender Package.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2319 - Provision of a SaaS Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
Advertised from: 6 December 2023 | Closes: 7 February 2024, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda's Digital Strategy outlines five key goals set for the next five years, one of those goals being the implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, that will support our staff to efficiently and effectively deliver services to the community.

The City is seeking to replace the current ERP (SynergySoft) with an ERP incorporating the latest technologies, user-friendly interface, proven capabilities, and integrated systems, which is intuitive and has responsive services using the SaaS model application. The implementation will adopt pre-configured business processes that the supplier has successfully implemented elsewhere in Local Government in Western Australia.

To support this goal, the overarching vision of the project is to replace SynergySoft (IT Vision) with a proven, comprehensive and integrated ERP system that allows us to adopt or leverage preconfigured business processes. The project will focus on configuration rather than customisation.

For more information, please refer to the Tender Package.

Advertised through Tenderlink


EOI 2301 - High Wycombe Community Hub: Design Services
Advertised from: 11 October 2023 | Closes: 20 November 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda (City) will be undertaking the development of the High Wycombe Community Hub to provide world class aquatic, recreation and community spaces.

The City is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) from Architectural Studios who wish to be considered to become part of a selected number of Studios who will then be invited to submit a formal Tender for these design services.

Studios failed to submit their responses against this EOI, will not be considered for the next stage.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2317 - Drainage Data Collection
Advertised from: 20 September 2023 | Closes: 18 October 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda (the City) is seeking the services of suitably qualified consultants to undertake on-site data collection and condition rating of the drainage network within the City’s catchments.

Due to the need to complete the work this financial year, the work is given in separable portions.

The scope of work is presented as a Separable Portion Contract, based upon Separable Portions with each forming individual/separable portions of work.  Contractor(s) may provide submissions for single or multiple portions of the contract and the City will at its sole discretion award these portions individually or collectively. There are four (4) Separable Portions of work, as detailed in the Separable Portions below:

•    Portion 1: Airport North Catchment

•    Portion 2: Airport South Catchment

•    Portion 3: Yule Brook Catchment

•    Portion 4: Lower Helena, Helena Pipehead, Bickley Brook, Mundaring Weir, and Victoria Reservoir Catchments

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT2315 - Additional Female Change Rooms - Ray Owen Reserve
Advertised from: 13 September 2023 | Closes: 11 October 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Evaluation | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking the services of a suitably qualified, experienced Contractor to undertake the construction of the following building extension and new UAT fit out at Ray Owen (Football/Cricket), Sports Pavilion located at Ray Owen Sporting Reserve, entry off Grove Road, Lesmurdie.

Project Name: Additional Female Change Rooms – Ray Owen Reserve.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT2305 - Transport and Disposal of Waste Streams from Walliston Transfer Station
Advertised from: 6 September 2023 | Closes: 4 October 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda is seeking tenders for the transport and disposal of waste streams from the Walliston Transfer Station in accordance with the Department of Water and Environment Regulations (DWER) waste classifications and waste definitions. The material will be transported from the Walliston Transfer Station located at 155 Lawnbrook Road West, Walliston 6076. The Contract is for a period of three (3) years with an option for the Principal to extend by two (2) x (12) twelve-month periods.

The scope of work is presented as a Separable Portion Contract, based upon Separable Portions with each forming individual/separable portions of work.  Contractor(s) may provide submissions for single or multiple portions of the contract and the City will at its sole discretion award these portions individually or collectively. There are four (4) Separable Portions of work, as detailed in the Separable Portions below:

(a)    Separable Portion A – Class I Mixed Construction Waste/C&D Transport and disposal of materials includes but is not limited to bricks, building rubble, bitumen, concrete, plaster board, tiles, ceramics, rebar, porcelain.

(b)   Separable Portion B – Class III: Road and Footpath Sweeping Waste Transport and disposal of materials includes but is not limited to; can be mixed, dried and wet leaves, green waste, grit litter, glass, oils, plastics, metals, honky nuts.

(c)    Separable Portion C - Class III - Gully Educting Waste: includes but is not limited to mixed, dried and wet materials including leaves, green waste, sand, soil, grit litter, glass, oils, plastics, metals.

(d)   Separable Portion D - Class II -Mixed contaminated waste includes but is not limited to sand, road construction waste, limestone, general fill, clay, stones, vegetation, green waste, concrete.

NOTE For Portions B and C: Materials may contain heavy metals, physical contaminants and traces of hazardous materials and may have a high leachable organic content.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT2314 - Playgrounds and Parks Fixtures: Audits and Repairs
Advertised from: 30 August 2023 | Closes: 27 September 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda requires the services of a suitably qualified and experienced Contractor(s) to maintain playgrounds and associated infrastructure in a safe and functional condition. The Contractor(s) is required to undertake safety and compliance inspections, repairs, and servicing to nominated parks assets, to ensure that they are maintained above the minimum standard for community use.

The contract includes the following three sub-categories. A tenderer may make submission (s) for any/all of the following sub-categories:

SCOPE A (Separable Portion1) – Inspections, Audits and Minor Repairs

SCOPE B (Separable Portion 2) – Maintenance and Repairs

SCOPE C (Separable Portion 3)- Shade Sail Installation, Removal and Repairs.

Tenderers must stipulate in their response which services/s they are registering for.

The Price Schedule will be evaluated independently and may be given to one or more tenderer(s) dependent on the price and offer.

The Contract will be in place for a period of 3 years with the option of 2 x 12 months extension subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink

eQuote 2023-05 : Supply and Installation of Play Equipment at Magnolia and Fleming Reserves
Advertised from: 26 July 2023 | Closes: 15 August 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded

The City of Kalamunda (The Principal) is seeking to appoint suitably qualified and experienced Playground Manufacturers to supply and install playground equipment that specifically meets the criteria specified in the Request for eQuote. The principal may select more than one supplier to supply and install the play equipment.

Advertised through WALGA Vendorpanel - PSA Contract.

RFT2312 : Turf Renovation & Associated Works
Advertised from: 26 July 2023 | Closes: 23 August 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Advertised

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage a suitable, experienced, and qualified Contractor to carry out Turf Renovation Services on the City’s sports fields and public open spaces. Renovation services include verti-mowing, scarifying, low mowing, coring, core pulverising, removal of debris, top dressing, supply and application of fertilisers, turf surface removal, and turf replacement as required by the Principal for the duration of the Contract

The Contract will be in place for a period of 3 years with the option of 2 x 12 months extension subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink -
RFT 2309 : RFT 2309 - Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2: Design Services
Advertised from: 19 July 2023 | Closes: 16 August 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded

The City of Kalamunda is seeking design services from suitably qualified consultant to provide design & documentation services for the delivery of the facilities included in the Hartfield Park Master Plan Stage 2 (Project) including all necessary architectural, engineering and quantity surveying services.

Construction tenders will then be called, and construction contractors appointed for the works.

The design team will also be required for specific services during the construction works phase and completion of defects liability period.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2308 : RFT2308 - Provision of Playground Softfall Maintenance Services
Advertised from: 21 June 2023 | Closes: 19 July 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda is seeking to engage a suitable Contractor to supply Playground Softfall services to the City. The distribution of works under the arrangement will be in accordance with the structure outlined in this tender package.

The Contractor is responsible for supplying equipment and services to complete the scheduled works.

This contract is in force for a period of three (3) years from the date of award with the option of 2 x 1 year extensions subject to satisfactory performance by the contractor.

Advertised through Tenderlink
Advertised from: 10 May 2023 | Closes: 31 May 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded

The City of Kalamunda requires a qualified Contractor to provide landfill/green waste disposal services for waste material generated from kerbside collection and other general waste (i.e. Walliston Transfer Station hook lift bins) and green waste from the City’s green waste skip bins.

A tenderer may make submission(s) for any/all of the following services listed:

Separable Portion 1 – Kerbside Collection Services.

Separable Portion 2 – General waste from Walliston Transfer Station i.e. hook lift bins.

Separable Portion 3Green Waste from the City’s green waste skip bin service.

The City will at its sole discretion award these portions individually or collectively.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2217 : RFT 2217- Supply, Maintenance and Servicing of Bores, Pumps and Headworks
Advertised from: 12 April 2023 | Closes: 10 May 2023, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded

City of Kalamunda requires the services of a suitably resourced and experienced contractor to undertake the maintenance works for the City’s bores, wells, pumps and other associated works.

The period of the contract will be for three (3) years with the option at the City’s discretion to extend the contract for a further one (1) year, followed by a further one (1) year, subject to performance.

Advertised through Tenderlink

RFT 2206 : RFT2206 - Woodlupine Brook, Wattle Grove Living Stream
Advertised from: 5 October 2022 | Closes: 2 November 2022, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (The Principal) is seeking to appoint a suitable Contractor to supply Civil Construction Services, Earthworks to the City for the Cell 9 Wattle Grove Living Stream Project. The distribution of works under the arrangement will be in accordance with the structure outlined in the tender package. 

The Contractor is responsible for supplying equipment and services and to complete the scheduled works.

Advertised through Tenderlink 

eQuote 2022-03 - Microsoft Licensing : Provision of Microsoft Licensing
Advertised from: 13 October 2022 | Closes: 27 October 2022, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (The Principal) is seeking quotations from Microsoft Licensing Partners to provide a (3) years License Agreement. 

Advertised through WALGA Vendorpanel - PSA Contract.

eQuote 2022-01 : Stirk Park Playground and Skatepark
Advertised from: 27 July 2022 | Closes: 8 September 2022, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded

The City of Kalamunda (The Principal) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified, registered and experienced Construction Contractor to undertake the construction of the Stirk Park Playground and Skate Park in Kalamunda, Western Australia.

The Contractor shall undertake maintenance and rectification works on the soft landscape works during the consolidation period.

Advertised through Tenderlink 

eQuote 2022-01 : Waste Services Management
Advertised from: 4 May 2022 | Closes: 23 June 2022, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded | Tenders

The City of Kalamunda (The Principal) is seeking to appoint a suitably qualified and experienced organisation/s to manage the City’s Waste Services requirements under the WALGA Panel Contract for a period of seven (7) years with an option for the Principal to extend by three (3) x (12) twelve-month periods.

Advertised through WALGA Vendorpanel - PSA Contract.

RFT 2207 : 3541 High Wycombe TOD Precinct TOD Connector Rd
Advertised from: 18 May 2022 | Closes: 16 June 2022, 02:00 PM
Status: Awarded

The City of Kalamunda (the City) is seeking design services from suitably qualified consultant to provide design services for the construction of a new Road (TOD Connector Road) and alterations to Sultana Road West in the vicinity of the new High Wycombe Station.

The intent is that the City will then seek tenders for the construction works.

This project is being funded by Metronet with the City taking on the role of implementing the design and construction works

Advertised West Australian and Tenderlink 18/05/2022.

More Information / Contact

If you require more information about a particular procurement opportunity, please contact the City on (08) 9257 9999 or email

For help or assistance relating to the procurement portal, please contact TenderLink customer support on 1800 233 533 or

© City of Kalamunda 2025