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Mar 11, 2019, 14:54 PM

Soft Plastics such as plastic bags, cling wrap and chip packets currently cannot be recycled within the City of Kalamunda’s waste system. Until a soft plastic recycling system is established there are many alternatives that can be used. These include:

  • Refuse – Instead of using single use plastic bags invest in reusable shopping bags such as Onya bag or Canvas bags
  • REDcycle – has now gone into administration and the Soft Plastics Taskforce have released their Roadmap to Restart.

Please note: Soft plastics should be placed in the General Waste bin and not stockpiled until a new recovery option for soft plastics in WA is provided.

There is a new path for soft plastic packaging plan in Australia. For more information see National Plastics Recycling Scheme - Australian Food and Grocery Council ( for more information.

In November 2024, The Boomerang Alliance and the Australian Marine Conservation Society audited the major supermarkets' plastic packaging use each year. Their 2024 Supermarket Report has been released, please see here. The report reveals that, whilst there have been some improvements, our supermarkets are still very slow to change their plastic habits.

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