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Waste Disposal Details

Second Chance Reuse Shop

Feb 23, 2022, 10:39 AM

Community can now donate secondhand household items to Kalamunda's reuse shop located at Walliston Transfer Station - Second Chance Reuse Shop.

Opened in March 2022, the City reuse shop is managed by Workpower, a WA disability service provider, your donations and purchases will support people with disability in employment and in the community. In its first year of operation, the shop diverted approximately 100 tonnes from landfill.


Opening Hours:

Thursday, Saturday, Sunday: 8:30am - 3:00pm
Friday: 8:30am - 2:00pm
CLOSED: ALL Public Holidays.

Open when a Total Fire Ban is declared. Closed when a Harvest & Vehicle Movement Ban is declared.


Walliston Transfer Station, 155 Lawnbrook Road, Walliston

Phone: 0409 290 990

Common Queries

  • Can I enter/visit the shop without a Walliston Transfer Station Entry Pass?
    Yes. The entry to Second Chance Reuse Shop is on Lawnbrook Road in Walliston (right next to the entry to the Walliston Transfer Station). There is a small amount of parking outside the shop. Please do not park on the footpath (on the verge opposite).

  • If my item is not accepted, can I dispose of it at the Walliston Transfer Station?
    If you have a valid Entry Pass and where applicable, pay any additional associated disposal fees as per Walliston Transfer Station conditions, items deemed not appropriate for our Second Chance Reuse Shop can be disposed here. Alternatively, you can consider other alternatives such as charity groups, arranging a garage sale or consider using online buy, sell or swap groups.

  • Is Second Chance Reuse Shop managed by City of Kalamunda?
    Second Chance Reuse Shop has been established through a partnership between Workpower and the City of Kalamunda. Workpower manages the shop on behalf of the City of Kalamunda, supporting the employment of people with disability at Second Chance Reuse Shop and throughout Workpower’s recycling team.

  • What is accepted at the Second Chance Reuse Shop?
    A wide range of material for recycling including:
    * Good quality furniture and household goods.
    * Household electrical appliances.
    * Scrap metal.
    * Cardboard and paper recyclables.
    * Landscape and renovator items.
    * Glass and plastics.
    We also accept eligible Containers for Change containers, with all donations going to support people with disability through Workpower.

Have more questions - find out more via the Second Chance Reuse Shop website.

Signage of Second Chance Reuse Shop located at Walliston Transfer Station

Second Chance reuse shop display of bicycles on offer     Second Chance reuse shop display of a rocking horse

Second Chance reuse community shop display of goods available     Second Chance reuse community shop display of starship trooper toys

Signage of Second Chance Reuse Shop located at Walliston Transfer Station
© City of Kalamunda 2025