The Wattle Grove Cell 9 area operates as an Outline Development Plan with administrative provisions and Infrastructure Cost Sharing Arrangement provisions.
The ICSA provisions are incorporated in Schedule 11 of Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (the Scheme). Following the gazettal of the Schedule 11 in October 1997, Council was required to adopt a ICSA Report and cost apportionment schedule. The ICSA Report and the associated cost apportionment schedule sets out in detail the calculation of cost contributions for development in accordance with the methodology shown in the ICSA. The ICSA Report needs to be a dynamic document to maintain the currency of the cost of infrastructure, land and other ICSA items. The ICSA Report does not form part of LPS 3 but, once adopted by Council, should be reviewed at least annually.
Reviews of the ICSA report have referred to the document as a Development Contribution Plan (DCP) and GDS in the past. The City has reverted to the name ICSA following legal advice, and because the ICSA was initiated prior to the establishment of State Planning Policy 3.6 Development Contribution for Infrastructure (SPP3.6) and therefore does not operate in accordance with SPP3.6 and Clause 6.5 of the Scheme.
View latest Adopted ICSA Report (PDF)
The latest ICSA review has been adopted at the 26 November 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting. The current adopted rate is $24,565 per lot.
The Cell 9 Outline Development Plan (ODP) provides the City a framework to guide Council when it considers subdivision and development proposals. It also guides the City when acquiring land for public open space, road reserves and community purpose within the Structure Plan area. ODP’s predate the preparation of local structure plans (LSPs), however operate in the same manner.
Development Contribution Plans