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Planning Projects

Planning projects throughout the City hold a range of objectives, including increased amenity, increased employment opportunities, and meeting future population and aged care demands.

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Heidelberg Park, Carmel

Project Status : In Progress
Estimated Completion Date : TBC
Location : Canning Road / Pomeroy Road, Carmel

Heidelberg Park is located at Lot 802 (420) Canning Road, Carmel on the corner of Pomeroy Road.

Heidelberg Park has been identified as an appropriate site to facilitate residential aged care in the Hills to ensure more residents have the option to remain in their local community in later stages of life. There are also opportunities to enhance, and improve public access to, open spaces at Heidelberg Park.

The City of Kalamunda took a leading role in progressing early community visioning and investigations for the project and worked collaboratively with the State Government to facilitate amendments to the Metropolitan Region Scheme and Local Planning Scheme No. 3 to pave the way for aged care development to take place on the site. 


In mid-2019 the City lead community engagement on the future of the broader reserve and sought feedback from the community on their vision for Heidelberg Park. This included a survey, information stall and an open workshop at the site. During the engagement process, the community expressed a high level of desire for aged care, protection of environmental values and enhanced public open space.  Results are available in the Heidelberg Park Community Engagement Report.

Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment

Following advocacy with the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), and in conjunction with a preliminary concept plan, Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting (OCM) on 26 November 2020 resolved to request the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) rezone a portion of Heidelberg Park from Parks and Recreation to Urban under the Metropolitan Region Scheme.   

Ordinary Council Meeting November 2019 - View Agenda | View Minutes.

On 6 May 2020 the WAPC resolved to initiate MRS Amendment 1372/57 and on 24 June 2020 the Environmental Protection Authority determined not to assess the amendment.  Following public advertising and approval of the Minister for Planning, MRS Amendment 1372/57 was published in the Government Gazette on 22 December 2020. 

The WAPC had resolved under section 126(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2005 to progress a concurrent amendment of the City of Kalamunda Local Planning Scheme No. 3 to rezone the amendment area to the Urban Development zone.

View Previous MRS Map

View Approved MRS Map

Planning for Heidelberg Park

In response to the community engagement and vision for the site, and to support rezoning proposals and detailed planning, a preliminary concept plan was also presented to Council in November 2019.  The Heidelberg Park Concept Plan was then completed in March 2020, as a non-statutory supporting document. 

A structure plan will be required prior to any future subdivision or development and will be prepared following the appointment of a suitable proponent for the site. The structure Plan will need to consider development outcomes, bushfire risk, open space improvements, tree retention and ecological impacts, transport requirements, and services and utilities.  A structure plan is required to be publicly advertised and submissions considered by the City of Kalamunda, prior to being determined by the WAPC. 

Expressions of Interest

In June 2021, the State Government released Heidelberg Park to the market, commencing a process inviting expressions of interest from proponents for an aged care development on the site. For more information about the land release, visit

After being announced as the successful proponent of the DPLH’s EOI process in March 2022, the Boston Group / Rosewood in July 2023 advised they are unable to proceed with the development of a residential aged care facility at Heidelberg Park. 

Current Status

The DPLH has advised the City that following the consideration of a range of options, a decision has been made to place the State Government’s divestment actions on strategic hold in the short term, and to retain the site as a managed Crown reserve.

The City of Kalamunda will continue to support the DPLH to facilitate the delivery of this important project to plan for much needed aged care services for the community. 

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Contact Information

For further information on this project please contact the City's Planning Services during office hours.

Telephone: (08) 9257 9938

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