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Kalamunda Activity Centre Plan

Project Status : In Progress
Estimated Completion Date : Ongoing
Location : Area bound by Elizabeth Street, Kalamunda Road, Canning Road, Railway Road and Dixon Road

The Kalamunda Activity Centre Plan (KACP) outlines the 10-year vision for the development of the town centre and provides a planning framework to coordinate the future subdivision, zoning and development in the area.

The vision for the Kalamunda Activity Centre is:

Kalamunda is a place borne of community spirit with a strong connection to its heritage. The town centre serves as a gateway to the hills and as a hub connecting both locals and visitors alike. Its natural bushland, setting and traditional village atmosphere are a platform to enhance Kalamunda's unique offerings, activities and events and provides spaces for community interactions and neighbourhood conversations.

Following ta comprehensive public consultation process, the Plan was finalised and presented to Council at the 24 March 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting. At this meeting, Council endorsed the Kalamunda Activity Centre Plan, subject to a number of modifications to address submissions received during advertising.

The KACP was referred to the Western Australian Planning Commission in April 2020 for final endorsement.

The City is also required to progress Amendment 106 to the Local Planning Scheme No. 3 (LPS 3) to ensure the KACP and LPS 3 Provisions are aligned, and to give full statutory effect. The LPS 3 amendment was finally adopted in May 2022 and referred to the WAPC for Ministerial approval. Amendment 106 is further discussed below. 

Central Mall Enhancement

At the Special Meeting of Council on 30 June 2020, Council Resolved to commit budget to undertake Central Mall streetscape improvements as outlined in the Kalamunda Activity Centre - Landscape Master Plan. Construction commenced in late 2021 and is due to be completed in the second half of 2022 - Find out more here

Community Engagement Process

Community consultation for the KACP occurred over two phases:

Phase 1: Visioning

A visioning exercise was undertaken to discuss and test ideas, aspirations and objectives on the future of the Kalamunda town centre. The engagement exercises mentioned above were specifically structured to ensure a range of stakeholders and user groups’ inputs were received. The outcomes of this process are summarised in the following reports:

Phase 2: Public Advertising

On 28 May 2019, Council adopted the KACP for the purposes of public advertising.

The KACP was advertised from June - August 2019. A summary of the survey results and engagement findings is included in the following:

Kalamunda Activity Centre Plan: Planning Framework

The KACP document provides a high-level overview of the 'steps' needed to realise the vision for the town centre. Additional guidelines and plans sit under the KACP which identify the detailed steps needed to achieve the KACP's vision.

The KACP comprises a number of elements aimed at facilitating its 10-year vision:

  • A focus on Haynes Street as the traditional 'main street' and Central Mall becoming a food and beverage focus supported by a one-way shared vehicle/pedestrian street
  • Streetscape improvements to facilitate a pleasant pedestrian environment and complement a built form outcome that reflects the character of Kalamunda.
  • Increased commercial and residential (mixed use) development potential generally allowing for four storeys in the core of the town centre.
  • Design guidelines to provide a framework to ensure good quality design outcomes which are sympathetic to the character of Kalamunda.
  • A consolidation of retail and commercial activity within the town centre core, expanding from the current 20,000 sq.m for shop/retail and other floor space to an additional 2,800 - 3,800 sq.m
  • Consolidation of employment generating land uses, including larger format commercial, retail and civil uses around Mead Street, leveraging off Kalamunda Central Shopping Centre.
  • Celebration of cultural features by creating synergies between Stirk Park, including Stirk Cottage, Zig Zag Cultural Centre and Bibbulmun Track.
  • A 'frame' to the town centre core that supports predominantly residential and mixed-use development that contributes to the walkable catchment of the town centre.
  • Consolidated parking areas in appropriate locations.
  • Highly legible, safe and well-designed pedestrian linkages to connect all parts of the activity centre, as well as important community focal points beyond.

The success of the improvements envisaged in the KACP will depend on significant investment in public infrastructure such as streetscape enhancements, as part of the future capital works programs envisaged in the Landscape Master Plan. This will require further consideration by the Council as part of annual budgeting and setting of the City's Long-Term Financial Plan.

Several technical reports have been prepared to support the long term implementation of KACP, these are:

Technical Report

Built Form Design GuidelinesEnsuring good quality design outcomes sympathetic to the character of Kalamunda.
Bush fire Management PlanReview of site characteristics and overview to address requirements under bush fire planning policies.
Employment and Retail AnalysisReview of key demographic factors, household types, income
Historical and Aboriginal Baseline AssessmentReview to understand the current and future retail needs of local residents, exploring demographic factors, household types, income and dwelling distribution and population projections.
Transport AssessmentReview of traffic and parking in the town centre, including accessibility, safety and impacts on surrounding land uses and transport networks.
Engineering Services ReportReview of site characteristics, storm water drainage and utility services and provides recommendations for upgrades.

Amendment 106 to Local Planning Scheme No. 3 

Amendment 106 seeks to introduce a new Centre zone and objectives, rezone the area affected by the draft KACP to the Centre zone, delete the existing Special Control Area provisions relating to the Kalamunda Town Centre Design Control area, and rationalise the existing Additional Uses, Special Uses and Restricted Uses contained within the amendment area.

Amendment 106 was initiated by the Council in November 2020. Consent to advertise was granted in August 2021 and advertising occurred between November and January 2022. In May 2022, the Council considered submissions and adopted the final Amendment 106 document for referral to the WAPC and for approval of the Minister for Planning. 


Kalamunda Activity Centre Built Form Design Guidelines

The Built Form Design Guidelines (BFDG) were adopted as Appendix A of the KACP. The BFDG are proposed to be adopted as LPP 30 to provide a user-friendly standalone source of information and guidance in the assessment of development proposals in the town centre.

The BFDG is intended to be used as a performance-based assessment tool for new development in the town centre. The following key design considerations form the structure of the KACP and associated BFDG: 

  1. Site Planning and building massing – addressing frontage requirements, plot ratio, building height, ground floor requirements, corner buildings, transitions between differing standards, and topography considerations;
  2. Building character – considers architectural character, compatibility with surrounding buildings, prominent site locations, and the envisaged town square;
  3. Access, Parking and Services;
  4. Landscaping; and
  5. Other considerations - solar, accessibility, heritage, privacy, security and development incentives. 

The BFDG was initially adopted as Appendix A of the KACP, however final adoption occurred in May 2022 when the Council adopted Local Planning Policy 30. Refer to the City's Planning Policies or links below for more information. 

Project Images

KAC Vision - 4 key elements - Character, Community, Live/work/play, Connected - full details found in visioning report

Related Documents

Contact Information

For further information on this project please contact the City's Strategic Planning Services during office hours:
Telephone: (08) 9257 9999

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