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Community Services Directory

In Western Australia, there are nearly 20,000 not-for-profit groups registered as incorporated associations!

At the City of Kalamunda, we want to make sure Community Groups and Associations feel informed and supported to do what they do best - help our community.

For any questions about setting up a community group, or support to keep it running, reach out to the City of Kalamunda's Coordinator Community Services on 9257 9999.

Check out funding opportunities available to your club here.

For a introductory guide to establishing a community group of your own, check out this Community Group Information Guide. 

The Community Directory was created by the City of Kalamunda to provide links for the community to access services and community groups which are local, not for profit and low-cost/free to participate in.

These groups and services also comprise of local non-profit sporting clubs, education facilities such as schools and other arts, cultural and leisure activities.

To register your organisation, charity, or community group on this directory, please send an email directed to Community Development who can issue you with an application form. 

Arts, Culture & Hobbies

  • Foothills Camera Club

    Amateur photographers with the aim to improve their photographic skills. Friendly, enthusiastic group. New members welcome. Only prints for exhibitions. Meetings monthly 2nd Friday of month 7pm - 9.30pm
    Phone: Leonie Gorman - Secretary 0407 089 320                                                                                                 Location: High Wycombe Recreation Centre, 200 Newburn Road High Wycombe
  • Forrestfield Autumn Club

    Provides a social interest to seniors who meet weekly to crochet or knit projects. 
    Phone: 0403 601 584
    Location: Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road FORRESTFIELD

  • Forrestfield Eggers & Craft Group

    Group of women interested in craft and support each other in bad times. 
    Phone: 0418 911 382
    Location: Woodlupine Community Centre, 88 Hale Road FORRESTFIELD 
  • Forrestfield Pottery Group

    Phone: 0477 791 000 or 0416 590463 
    Location: Anderson Road Community Centre, 24 Anderson Road FORRESTFIELD 
  • Gem Camera Club Inc

    A like-minded group of people of all ages sharing their passion for photography, open to all ages and all photographic levels.
    Phone: 0409 204 131 
    Location: Gooseberry Hill Multi Use Facility, 42 Ledger Road GOOSEBERRY HILL                                                     Email: 
  • Darling Scarp Artisans

     Not for profit group of artisans who produce high quality arts and crafts that are hand-made.                           Phone: 0427 260 252                                                                                                         Email:

  • Hills Folk Club

    Hills Folk Club meets monthly and provides a venue for acoustic musical entertainment in a friendly atmosphere. 
    Phone: Secretary 9291 6026 
    Location: Falls Farm Cottage 41 Cagney Way LESMURDIE 
  • Kalamunda Arts Group

    Meet every Wednesday to paint with acrylics, oils, water colours and pastils and create works of art.
    Phone: 6363 5350/0438 352 667
    Location: St Barnabas Church Hall, Railway Road Kalamunda
  • Kalamunda & Districts Arts & Crafts Group

    Sale of Arts and Craft materials at the Kalamunda Arts & Crafts Wagon
    Phone: 0400 556 961
    Location: “The Wagon” Railway Road KALAMUNDA 
    Website: Facebook
  • Kalamunda Community Radio – KCR-102.5FM

    Community Radio Station broadcasting from premises in Gooseberry Hill. 
    Phone: 9293 0548 (Administration) or 6365 5343 (Studio)
    Location: Gooseberry Hill Hall, 42 Ledger Road GOOSEBERRY HILL 
  • Kalamunda Dramatic Society Inc (KADS)

    Community Theatre
    Phone: 0422 893 159 
    Location: KADS Town Square Theatre 6 Centra Mall KALAMUNDA 
  • Kalamunda Mens Shed

    Support and services for men – health and activities.  The Shed is open 8.30am 12.30pm Monday to Friday . 
    Phone: 9291 7172 
    Location: 22 Falls Road LESMURDIE   
  • A professional, friendly and effective training group that meet regularly to improve their public speaking skills and gain confidence communicating. Our unique public speaking coaching will help you to find the confidence and communication skills necessary to effectively present yourself in any situation.
    Phone: 0429 497 957                                                                                                                                                        Location: Zig Zag Cultural Centre Meeting Room                                                                                                         Email:                                                                                                                 Website:

Community Choir meets weekly on Monday evenings for friendship, healing and reconciliation since 2006.  Award winning Aboriginal performers lead the choir in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander songs. 
Phone: 0409 116 460 
Location: Anderson Road Community Hall, 24 Anderson Road FORRESTFIELD 

We share expertise in all aspects of music performance, provide support for members to present live music and promote live music in the region. 
Phone: 0427 763 109 
WebsitePerth Hills Live Musicians' Association Facebook

  • Pickering Brook Heritage Group Inc

    Preserve Local History.
    Phone: 0418 923 970 
    Location: Pickering Brook Road PICKERING BROOK 
  • Stained Glass Group Kalamunda

    Workshop for people who have some knowledge and experience in the art of stained glass. Meet on Wednesdays 10 am - 3pm.  
    Phone: 9257 1473 or 0412 762 788 
    Location: Headingly Road Cottage, 11 Headingly Road KALAMUNDA  
  • Uthando Project

    We make culturally appropriate dolls for vulnerable children in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. Have a cuppa and enjoy making new friends. All welcome. What would I do? Many and varied things. Make dolls, dolls’ clothing, packing, sorting out fabrics for practical sewing kits, join in outside events. There’s something for everyone. All skill levels welcome. Mondays 1pm - 3pm and Fridays from 10am - 2pm (bring your own lunch)                                                                                                                      Phone: 0468 784 043
    Location: Anderson Road Community Centre 24 Anderson Road FORRESTFIELD
    • Zig Zag Community Arts

      A volunteer group promoting arts and culture in the hills region. Organises arts and music workshops and events all year.  
      Phone: 0438 718 090 
      Location: Headingly Road Cottage, 11 Headingly Road KALAMUNDA

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    The Mooditj Marmun Book - Services for Aboriginal Men

    A directory of services available for Aboriginal men across a broad range of health and wellbeing areas including crisis services, relationships, fathering, eating right, being active, weight control, alcohol and drug use, preventable diseases, suicide prevention, legal and financial support and domestic violence. It encourages cultural pride, men actively taking control over their physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing, and the importance of indigenous men providing support for each other and their community.

    The book can be accessed here

    Provided by Government of WA - Department of Health Aboriginal Health
    © The Mooditj Marmun Book is copyright of MAN 33 Moore St, East Perth 6004

    Further Information

    For further information on the Community Directory please contact Community Development on 9257 9999 or

    Acknowledgement of Country

    We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.

    © City of Kalamunda 2025