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High Wycombe Shopping Centre - Close Up of Entrance

Accessible Businesses

For business owners or employees

The City of Kalamunda have put together the following information and resources to assist in local business becoming more accessible to customers with a disability, their families and the wider community.

People with Disability have the same right as others to access buildings, facilities businesses and services. The City of Kalamunda works with local businesses to raise awareness of providing an accessible, inclusive environment for all customers and visitors.  The Accessible Business toolkit has been designed to assist businesses to raise awareness amongst staff and outline easy ways to improve access.


If you would like more information, please contact the Community Development Officer - Inclusive Communities at the City of Kalamunda during business hours via phone on (08) 9257 9958, alternatively, send an email to

Community Wall


Some additional resources

Good Access is Good Business - YouMeUs

YouMeUs” have developed a short series of videos outlining how businesses can adapt their business to be more accessible and inclusive for all to attract more customers. The vision is to promote an understanding of diversity in the community, challenge public perceptions of stereotypes, highlight the abilities of people with disabilities and support the development of inclusive communities.

Making improvements to your building, attitude and knowledge can potentially increase turnover by approximately 25% compared to businesses that are non-accessible.  Changes can be as simple as clearing aisles and training staff, or getting a portable ramp.

These videos focus been developed for businesses to learn how they can adapt and attract more customers with a disability, focusing on Access, Attitude, Communication and Rights.

See their videos via

You Can Make a Difference - DisabilityWA

DisabilityWA has developed a resource kit for access and inclusion to assist Western Australian government agencies and local governments. Seven key outcomes are identified which should be considered and addressed in access and inclusion plans.


© City of Kalamunda 2025