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A person clapping while using the Liberty Swing located at Stirk Park in Kalamunda

Services, Opportunities & Grants

Forget-Me-Not Memory Café
When: on the 1st Wednesday of every month
Located at Gracies Cafe, 45 Berkshire Road in Forrestfield, this venue provides a safe, inclusive, non-judgmental and welcoming environment for people living with Memory Loss or Dementia, their family, friends and carers. The is a social event, a place to come together with others who are travelling similar life paths: to share a coffee, a laugh and a chat.

Chat With Me Boards

Chat With Me Boards, also called Communication boards use symbols and illustrations to help people with limited language skills to express themselves and communicate with other people. 

The City of Kalamunda has installed Chat With Me Boards at the recently upgraded Stirk Park and the new All Abilities playground at Magnolia Reserve.

Lots of people find it hard to communicate. These chat boards can help people who find it hard to speak and/or hard to understand speech. 

To use a chat board, point to the pictures of the words or messages you want to say. If you can, talk or sign at the same time. 

  • Tips on how to use a communication board: 
  • Point to symbols to convey messages 
  • Point and talk at the same time
  • Talk in full sentences but only point to the key words
  • Use communication boards for a variety of reasons like asking questions and making comment                       

Digital versions of the Chat With Me Boards can be found at:

Chat With Me Board - Stirk Park

Chat With Me Board - All Abilities Magnolia reserve

If you would like a hard copy of the boards please contact the Community Development Officer - Inclusive Communities on 9257 9999.


Chat With Me Board Stirk Park

Gopher Charging Stations

The City of Kalamunda is committed to continuous improvement surrounding accessibility and inclusivity, which is why we've set up charging stations for mobility devices at Hartfield Park Recreation Centre and Kalamunda Library.

Recharge your mobility device for free whilst you browse or participate.

If you have an offboard charger you will need to bring it with you to recharge. There is a maximum charge time of 2 hours.

Lady charging her mobility device at Hartfield Park

Liberty Swing

A Liberty Swing is designed for people who use wheelchairs, to experience the fun of being on a swing. The City of Kalamunda has a Liberty Swing in Fleming Reserve, corner Newburn Road and Sorenson Road, located off the Sorenson Road entrance in High Wycombe.

A Master Locksmiths Access Key (MLAK) is required to access the swing and enclosure and may be purchased or loaned from the City of Kalamunda at 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda, Zig Zag Cultural Centre or the Kalamunda Library, Williams Street, Kalamunda. A MLAK also provides access to Changing Places facilities.


Liberty Swing close up facing left

Library Services

All City libraries provide a diverse range of services to allow all members to join our community! Facilities provided include:

  • Wheelchair access
  • Large print and audio CD options available on a wide selection of fiction and non-fiction books.
  • House-bound service for those with limited mobility
  • DVDs with audio description and closed captions
  • ClearView Desktop Magnifier
  • Activ Library

View the full range of library services available here

Community Wall


Some additional resources and services available include

National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for eligible people with disability find out more through the NDIS website. The NDIS provider finder also helps you easily find disability service providers in your area, see the NDIS Provider Finder.

Campanion Card LogoCompanion Card

The Companion Card is for people with a significant and permanent disability, who require attendant care support to participate at community venues and activities. Cardholders present their card when booking or purchasing a ticket from a participating business who will issue a second ticket for their companion at no charge.

The Companion Card website has more information on how to apply for a Companion Card and eligibility.

The City of Kalamunda is an affiliate of the Companion Card and offers free entry or participation at the following City of Kalamunda venues:

  • Kalamunda Water Park
  • Hartfield Park Recreation Centre
  • High Wycombe Recreation Centre
  • Kalamunda Performing Arts Centre
  • Kalamunda History Village

Developmental Disability WA

Vision: People with developmental disability and their families have the same opportunities as the rest of the community.

Purpose: Enhance quality of life for people with developmental disability and their families.

There is a large range of resources you can access and download for free.

Developmental Disability WA - DDWA

Disability Gateway

Over 400,000 Western Australians are living with disability and there are a wide range of services and supports available. However, searching for information can sometimes be difficult and complex, especially if you live in rural and remote areas.

The Disability Gateway is a free Australia-wide service to help people with disability, their families, friends and carers find trusted information and services.

Visit or call 1800 643 787. The Disability Gateway phone line is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm AEDT. 

Department of Transport – Universal Access

The Department of Transport has information relating to Universal Access on their website.

Employment Supports - NDIS School Leaver

School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) is an early intervention approach for Year 12 school leavers, designed to develop a strategy to help build skills and confidence that support transition from school to employment. Maxima is a registered provider of Eligible School Leaver Program (ESL), built around helping students prepare for a job, find a job and keep it. Eligible School Leaver Program - Maxima

Footpath Awareness

The City of Kalamunda does not tolerate footpath parking. No portion of the footpath is to be blocked by a vehicle. This can result in an on the spot infringement.  

Please help us raise awareness. The City has developed footpath awareness flyers to place on car windscreens if you come across any vehicles blocking footpaths. Please downloaded Footpath Awareness Campaign Flyer If you would like some printed copies, please call the Community Development Officer - Inclusive Communities on 9257 9999.

© City of Kalamunda 2025