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Youth Plan

Youth Plan 2023-2028 Kalamunda Futures

After two Phases of community engagement Kalamunda Futures is here! 

Kalamunda Futures is the City of Kalamunda's strategic framework for the delivery of services to young people aged 0-25 in the City of Kalamunda Community. Kalamunda Futures guides the City's engagement with young people focusing on making sure young people are EMPOWERED, CONNECTED, ACTIVE and REPRESENTED. 

Kalamunda Futures was developed through two Phases of community engagement to allow for ample opportunity for the public to participate in consultation.

The first engagement ran from 25 October 2021 to 27 January 2022 to gather feedback for the creation of the Draft Youth Plan for 2023 - 2028. You can view the Community Engagement Report here.

The second engagement ran from 8 December 2022 to 9 February 2023 for the purpose of gaining feedback on the Draft Plan. You can view the Draft Youth Plan Engagement Report here

The community and primarily young people have been the central voice that have lead to the development of this plan and it is thanks to your ongoing feedback that Kalamunda Futures is here!

View/Download Kalamunda Futures. 


Key Focus Areas

  • Empowered 
    • Given the tools and support to find purpose.
  • Connected
    • Informed and part of a community network.
  • Active
    • Involved and have participation and engagement opportunities to become active citizens.
  • Represented
    • Considered by internal business areas and Councillors when making decisions for the community.


Previous Youth Plan 2017-2022

View / Download Youth Plan

The Youth Plan identifies the youth interests, issues and aspirations of the Kalamunda community and establishes priorities and strategies to guide the City over the next five years in its provision of youth services

The City of Kalamunda Youth Plan 2017 – 2022 has been developed from thorough community consultation which was undertaken during March - May 2016. This consultation process saw over 600 surveys completed by both over and under 25s, with the data used to provide useful insights and guidance for the formation of this new Youth Plan.

The community’s voice has been central to the creation of this plan and is thanks to your ongoing feedback that the Youth Plan 2017 – 2022 is now complete.

If you would like any more information or have any questions, please contact Youth Services by email on or phone (08) 9257 9968. Copies of the draft plan are also available at the City’s Administration Offices, 2 Railway Road, Kalamunda.

Key Focus Areas

  • Participation
    • Goal: create opportunities for young people to take part in recreational, cultural and community activities
  • Wellbeing
    • Goal: encourage young people to be independent confident and active community members
  • Communication
    • Goal: engage young people in a way that encourages participation, awareness and information sharing
  • Organisational
    • Goal: build strong partnerships and involve young people in community decision making
© City of Kalamunda 2024