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Community Services Directory

In Western Australia, there are nearly 20,000 not-for-profit groups registered as incorporated associations!

At the City of Kalamunda, we want to make sure Community Groups and Associations feel informed and supported to do what they do best - help our community.

For any questions about setting up a community group, or support to keep it running, reach out to the City of Kalamunda's Coordinator Community Services on 9257 9999.

Check out funding opportunities available to your club here.

For a introductory guide to establishing a community group of your own, check out this Community Group Information Guide. 

The Community Directory was created by the City of Kalamunda to provide links for the community to access services and community groups which are local, not for profit and low-cost/free to participate in.

These groups and services also comprise of local non-profit sporting clubs, education facilities such as schools and other arts, cultural and leisure activities.

To register your organisation, charity, or community group on this directory, please send an email directed to Community Development who can issue you with an application form. 

Tourism & Special Events

  • Kalamunda & Districts Agricultural Society Inc

    Agricultural Society meets every 2nd Wednesday of the month (except Dec, Jan & April) Primary purpose is to organise the Annual Kalamunda Show and Spring Flower Show and to support Horticulture and Agriculture in the community.
    Phone: 9454 5228 or 0408 900 541
    Location: Jack Healey Centre Mead Street KALAMUNDA
    Postal Address: PO Box 50 KALAMUNDA WA 6926
  • Kalamunda & Districts Historical Society

    To research, collect and preserve the history of Kalamunda and Districts, and to promote the interchange of information among members of the society and the wider community. 
    Phone: 9293 1371 
    Location: Kalamunda History Village Railway Road KALAMUNDA  WA  6026 
    Postal: PO Box 121  KALAMUNDA  WA  6926 
  • Kalamunda Annual Show

    The Show is a traditional community event run entirely by volunteers.  It is a 2 - day event held in Autumn annually.  Many local community groups are also involved. 
    Phone: 9293 3628 
    Location: N/A 
    Postal Address: PO Box 480 KALAMUNDA  WA  6926 
  • Kalamunda History Village

    To collect, preserve and interpret artefacts and archival material relating to the history of Kalamunda and Districts for the education and enjoyment of visitors and for the benefit of future generations. 
    Phone: 9293 1371 
    Location: Kalamunda History Village Railway Road KALAMUNDA  WA  6026 
    Postal: PO Box 121  KALAMUNDA  WA  6926 
  • Kalamunda Artisan Market

    The premier craft market in the State with up to 200 stalls.  The market is held on the first Saturday of each month from 8.30am – 2.30pm and is organised by the Rotary Club. 
    Phone: N/A 
    Location: Central Mall and Town Square KALAMUNDA 
    Postal Address: PO Box 964 KALAMUNDA  WA  6926 
  • Zig Zag Cultural Centre

    The Centre is situated in the 'Kalamunda Cultural Precinct' between the Kalamunda History Village and the Kalamunda Library, and welcomes visitors to the region to experience the history, culture and attractions that the City of Kalamunda offers.  Includes the Perth Hills Visitor Centre, Art Gallery, Seminar/Meeting Facilities and cafe/restaurant next door. OPEN: 9am - 4pm weekdays and 10am - 4pm weekends and Public Holidays. (C LOSED: Good Friday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day ) 
    Phone: 9257 9998 
    Location: 50 Railway Road KALAMUNDA 6026 
    Postal Address: PO Box 42 KALAMUNDA  WA  6926 

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The Mooditj Marmun Book - Services for Aboriginal Men

A directory of services available for Aboriginal men across a broad range of health and wellbeing areas including crisis services, relationships, fathering, eating right, being active, weight control, alcohol and drug use, preventable diseases, suicide prevention, legal and financial support and domestic violence. It encourages cultural pride, men actively taking control over their physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing, and the importance of indigenous men providing support for each other and their community.

The book can be accessed here

Provided by Government of WA - Department of Health Aboriginal Health
© The Mooditj Marmun Book is copyright of MAN 33 Moore St, East Perth 6004

Further Information

For further information on the Community Directory please contact Community Development on 9257 9999 or

Acknowledgement of Country

We respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners, the Whadjuk Noongar People as the Custodians of this land. We also pay respect to all Aboriginal community Elders, past, present and future who have and continue to reside in the area and have been an integral part of the history of this region.

© City of Kalamunda 2025