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Photo by Nature by Nathan of Rainbow Bee Eater

Threatened Fauna

Threatened fauna are animal species which are likely to become extinct or which have been declared in need of special protection at a Federal or State level. These species should be protected in order to prevent extinction and to encourage species recovery.

The City is known or likely to contain a number of threatened fauna species listed under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and is also likely to contain habitat for a number of threatened fauna species which should also be protected so that in the event of species recovery, populations can expand.

The presence of Threatened or Specially Protected Fauna in the City of Kalamunda is summarised in the tables below.

More information on threatened species and the Threatened and Priority Fauna list can be found on the Department of Biodiversity and Attractions (Parks and Wildlife) website.

Table 1. Threatened Species – Birds

Scientific Name EPBC Act Status Wildlife Conservation Act Schedule Presence
Calyptorhynchus baudinii (Baudin’s Cockatoo)Vulnerable
Schedule 2 of the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2018 Species or species habitat known to occur within area
Calyptorhynchus latirostris (Carnaby's Black-Cockatoo)Endangered Schedule 2 of the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2018 Species or species habitat known to occur within area
Calyptorhynchus banksii naso (Forest Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo)Vulnerable Schedule 3 of the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2018 Species or species habitat known to occur within area
Falco peregrinus (Peregrine Falcon)Other Specially ProtectedSchedule 7 of the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2018 Species or species habitat known to occur within area


Table 2. Threatened Species – Mammals

Scientific Name EPBC Act Status Wildlife Conservation Act Schedule Presence
Dasyurus geoffroii (Chuditch)Vulnerable
Schedule 3 of the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2018 Species or species habitat known to occur within area
Phascogale tapoatafa ssp. (Brush-tailed Phascogale)VulnerableSchedule 3 of the Wildlife Conservation (Specially Protected Fauna) Notice 2018 Species or species habitat known to occur within area


Migratory Species

Migratory species listed under international agreements to which Australia is a party are protected under the Australian Government's central piece of environmental legislation, the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)

Table 3. Migratory Species – Birds

Scientific Name EPBC Act Status Wildlife Conservation Act Schedule Presence
Merops ornatus (Rainbow Bee-eater)Migratory
Least Concern
Schedule 5Species or species habitat known to occur within area
Ardea modesta (Eastern Great Egret, White Egret)Migratory
Least Concern
Schedule 5Species or species habitat known to occur within area
Ardea ibis (Cattle Egret)Migratory
Least Concern
Schedule 5Species or species habitat may to occur within area
Apus pacificus (Fork-tailed Swift)Migratory
Least Concern
Schedule 5Species or species habitat may to occur within area
Plegardis falcinellus (Glossy Ibis)Migratory
Least Concern
Schedule 5Species or species habitat known to occur within area
Tringa species (Sandpipers)Migratory
Least Concern
Schedule 5Species or species habitat may to occur within area


Table 4. Migratory Species - Reptiles

Scientific Name EPBC Act Status Wildlife Conservation Act Schedule Presence
Morelia spilota imbricata (Carpet Python)Migratory
Least Concern
Schedule 5Species or species habitat known to occur within area


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